मित्रपुत्रकलत्राणि भ्रातरः पितरोऽपि हि। .. संसजन्ति क्षणमपि न त छरिव तस्करैः ।।७१॥
Meaning : The friends, sons, wives, brothers, parents etc. of thieves do not (like to) have any contact with him as no one likes to have contact with wicked people.
. संबन्ध्यपि निगृह्यत चौर्यान्मण्डिकवनपैः ।।
चौरोऽपि त्यक्तचौर्यः स्यात् स्वर्गभाग रौहिणेयवत् ॥७२॥ Meaning : The king puts into fetters the thief even if he be his relative, just like Mandika. If the thief gives up stealing, he gets heaven just like Rauhineya.
परस्य सर्वस्वमपहर्तुमुपक्रमः । उपाददीत नादत्तं तृणमात्रमपि क्वचित् ॥७३॥ Meaning : What to talk of an attempt to snatch away wealth and every thing belonging to others, one should not take a blade of grass even if it is (formally) not given.
परार्थग्रहणे येषां नियमः शुद्धचेतसाम् । • अभ्यायान्ति श्रियस्तेषां स्वयमेव स्वयंवराः ॥७४॥
अनर्था दूरतो यान्ति साधुवादः प्रवर्तते ।
स्वर्गसौख्यानि ढौकन्ते स्फुटमस्तेयचारिणाम् ॥७॥ Meaning : Wealth, of its own accord, goes to him and embraces him, who has vowed not to snatch away even a pebble blonging to others. He becomes free from dangers and is praised by everyone. He enjoys heavenly pleasures manifestly who has abandoned stealing.
Yoga Shashtra
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