house, deposited and buried in the house. In short, they should not accept what is not given to them.
अयं लोक: परलोको, धर्मो धैर्य धृतिर्मतिः। ....
मुष्णता परकीयं स्वं मुषितं सर्वमप्यदः ॥६७॥ Meaning : By robbing the others of their wealth, one has not robbed them of their wealth only but has robbed them, at the same time, of their life in this birth as also in the next birth; and also their religion, fortitude, patience, and intellect.
एकस्यैकं क्षणं दुःखं मार्यमाणस्य जायते।
सपुत्रपौत्रस्य पुनर्यावज्जीवं हृते धने ॥६॥ Meaning : One who is killed becomes unhappy so far as that moment is concerned. But he, who looses wealth becomes unhappy throughout his life. His sons and grandsons also become unhappy.
चौर्यपापद्मस्येह वधबन्धादिकं फलम् ।
जायते परलोके तु फलं नरकवेदना ॥६६॥ Meaning : One endures the consequences of stealing in this very birth such as assassination, bondage etc. and in the next birth such as the miseries of hells etc. etc.
दिवसे वा रजन्यां वा स्वप्ने वा जागरेऽपि वा। सशल्य इव चौर्येण नैति स्वास्थ्यं नरः क्वचित् ॥७॥
Meaning : A person who steals never has peace of mind by day or at night, waking or sleeping; like one who has got thorn in his body.
Second Chapter
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