sankalpanam višeșeņa yatrāsau dusta ityapi. parihāro na samyak syādyāvadarthikavādinah.
If one argues that only a particular lump of food, which is intended for a particular monk is prohibited and vicious, but this is also not just, because food in general, intended for the monks as a whole, is also prohibited and vicious.
vişayo vā’sya vaktavyaḥ punyārtham prakṣtasya ca. asambhavābhidhānätsyädāptasyānāptatā’nyathā.
The object of this food prepared to attain merit by granting it to the monks should be ascertained, otherwise, the infeasibility of denotation of unintended food may turn in disproving the attainability of Omniscience.
vibhinnari deyamāśritya svabhogyādyatra vastuni. sankalpanaṁ kriyākāle taddustam viņayo'nayoḥ.
While preparing the consumable food items such intention as this part is for self-consumption and apart from it is for granting is the vicious object of both yāvadarthika and Punyanimitta.
svocite tu yadārambhe tathā sankalpanaṁ kvacit. na dustam śubhabhāvatvāt tacchuddhāparayogavat.
In cooking etc. activities meant for himself and family the intention is not vicious, rather like virtuous activities reverential salutation to monks etc. it is due to the
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