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sed people. Judaism had lost its vitality due to the inherent weakness resulting from Judaic acts of violence and exploitation. It was unequal to the situation to give the large masses succour and happiness. A great Jewish leader, Jesus of Nazareth, the seed rather than the founder of Christianity, arose.1 The doctrines of Christ were at first preached by Jews to jews as a reformed judaism. Christianity was the synthesis of three forces: Greek philosophical beliefs, Judaic conception of morals and history and certain theories, more specially as to salvation, of the kindred cults of the Near East joined together to give birth to Christianity. The theory of salvation was new in Christianity though in part. traceable to Orphism. The East in this age meant the east of Mahavira and Buddha whose doctrines of Soul and its salvation had gained much prominence when Jesus was born.
The central theme of Jesus' teachings was the Universal fatherhood of God, the Chief Shepherd, and coming on earth the Kingdom of Heaven. He taught that God was no bargainer; there were no chosen people and no favourites. He condemned all private property and personal advantages. Then arose Paul, a Roman citizen, the real founder of Christianity who created Christian theology. What Jesus preached was a new birth of the human soul, what Paul preached was the ancient religion of priests, altar and propitiatory bloodshed. Christianity became tolerant of private property; it accepted wealthy adherents; condoned the institution of slavery and admitted Aryan gentiles to Christian fold. Christianity accepted the creed of the Sword. Constantine, the Great, emperor of Rome, used Christian monograms, perhaps in connivance with priests, upon the shields and banners of his troops and claimed that God of the Christians had fought for him in his complete victory at the battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 A.D.3 with the
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