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applause and enthusiastic support of the Christians; he established himself as an absolute monarch of Rome. Christianity Milvianised, discarded its ethical and spiritual contents. Aryan Mithraism of Pagan Rome and Christianity joined hands and Mithraism triumphed when Mithraistic Constantine' was converted to Christianity. Mithraism forcefully loaned materialistic influences to Christianity. The Roman and Greek society coalesced together and joined the original leftists Jews to make a homogeneous society. Christianity became a great unifying and organising force within its own communion, The Christian God, the Chief Shepherd, saved the materialistic Europaryan society from disintegration and paved the way for its world domination. Chrstianity, the fourth world religion, is the Religion of Tribal Consolidation.
Constantine made Byzantine his new capital. The Roman Empire, by and by, came to be divided into the Western and the Eastern. The Eastern is also known as the Byzantine Empire. Both the parts in fifth century A. D. virtually became independent of each other. The Holy Roman Empire finally collapsed in the seventh Century A.D.
Central Asia, Afghanistan and West Asia enjoyed prosperity and progress in this age. West Asia was far ahead of Europe under the Persian Sassanid empire. Zoroastrianism held sway in West Asia. The Syrian society had much decayed under the Sassanids. Christianity had corrupted the society in the West. The traditions of the Zoroastrian Magi were decaying in the Near East. Mohammad welded the Arab people into monarchy which had singularly little spirituality. He founded a religion with spirit of kindliness, generosity and brotherhood as its main theories". Islam was a more simple, natural and understandable ethical religion. It saved the
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