Sec. 1]
trifoliata)." Pādhāmie (Pājhāmrga) Modhari, Danti, Cardi (Andropogon-aciculatus), Bhamgi (it may be bhanga-hemp ? Cannabis sativa), Nahi, Kimirāsi, Nangalai (Uraria, Lagopodioides), Peyuya, Kirnapauyala, Vāteha, Renuya (medicinal plant)36 Timira (a sort of acquatic plant), Sata (Anethum Sowa), Poraga (pome. granate tree), Samutava, Bhusa, Kurūbha (a Shrub), Karavada,” Vayana and Thurayak.
Abbharūha (Cnlamus Rotung or Cyperus Rotundus), Voyāna (Vodāna), Tanlul«jaga, Coragga, Majjarārayāi (Plumbago Rosea), Lalkha (lac), Dagapippaliya, Davvi, Sutthiya (ka) (Marsilea Quadrifolia), Mamdukki?, Tulsis (Roly-basil, a small shrub venerated by the Vaişnavas), Kanhadalla-(Indigo plant ?), Araļa, Phanejja, Ajjae (the plant Ocimum Gratissimum), Cora, Jirā (Panicum Miliceum), Damanā (Artemisia Indica ?) and Maruyā (Bignonia Suaveoleus 29 or a kind of flower plant). Plants having tuberous roots (Kandas)
Hirilī Sirili, Sissirili, Kitthiyā, Chiriyā, Chirivirāliyā, Kanhakanda, Vajjakanda, Süranalanda, (Amorphophallus Camp anulatus), Kheluda, Bhaddamutthā (a kind of Cyperus, a medicinal root), Lohi (Symplocos Racemosa), Nihū (a kind of medicinal plant), Thihi, Thirüyā, Muggakanni (Phaseolus trilotus), Assakanni (the tree Vatica Robusta, called from the shape of its leaves), Sihamąhi (the shrub Abrus precatorius) and Musumąh7.10
Erinda (castor oil plant, Ricinus communis or Palma Christi), Haritaga, ( a green herb),'2 Taņa (any gramineous plant), Vatthula (a fibrous green plant)"3 Cilliyā (a kind of pot herb)14 and Kadali (the banana plant)15 (Musa Sapientum).
i Bhs, 23, 3.
? 16, 23, 4. 9 Ib,, 23, 5.
4 lb, 21, 5. 526 16, 21, 6. 1 16, 21, 7.
8.9 16, 21, 8. 10 16, 7, 3, 277 ; 8, 3, 324 (Lohi to Musundhi, 23, 2,) 11 12 16, 21; 7 (Terminalia Chebula also). 13_14 16, 21, 7 (it may be a kind of vegetable).
16 Ib, 8, 3, 324 ; 22, 1.
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