श्रीमदमृत चन्द्रविरचितः
Your consciousness is pervaded on all sides purely by cognition (and nothing else); it is free from all defiled modifications. (And) your greatness, devoid of (such) distinctions as beginning, middle, and end, consists wholly of the purity of that consciousness. (3) [103]
भवन्तमप्यात्ममहिम्नि कुर्वती किलार्थसत्ता भवतो गरीयसी । तथापि सालं विदि मज्जतीह ते यतोऽस्ति बोधाविषयो न किञ्चन ॥४॥
bhavantam apy ātmamahimni kurvatî
kilārthasattā bhavato gariyasi/ tathāpi sālam vidi majjatiha te
yato 'sti bodhāvişayo na kiñcanal/4/
Although "universal existence" (artha-sattā] is bigger than you in that it applies (descriptively) to everything and (thus) encompasses even you in majesty, even that (“universal existence") is seen to be well-contained within your omniscience. This is because there is nothing which is not the object of your knowledge. (4) [104]
समग्रशब्दानुगमाद्गभीरया जगद्ग्रसित्वाऽप्यभिधानसत्तया । त्वदच्छबोधस्थितया विडम्ब्यते नभस्थली प्रस्फुरितकतारका ॥५॥ samagraśabdānugamād gabhirayā
jagad grasitvā py abhidhānasattyā/ tvad acchabodhasthitayā viņambyate
nabhasthala prasphuritaikatārakā||5|/ The profound “word-universal” (abhidhāna-sattā] applies to the totality of words and encompasses the entire universe. Nevertheless, it is contained in your pure knowledge and there appears like a ludicrously tiny star twinkling in the (vast) heavens. (5) [105]
विनैव विश्वं निजवस्तुगौरवाद्विभो भवन्मात्रतया प्रवृत्तया । न जातुचित् प्रत्ययसत्तया परः करम्ब्यते भाति तथापि चिन्मयः ॥६॥ vinaiva viśvam nijavastugauravād
vibho bhavanmātratayā pravrttayā na jātucit pratyayasattayā parah
karambyate bhāti tathāpi cinmayah|16|| O Omniscient One ! Your cognition exists and is made active by you alone, purely through the greatness of your own self ; it operates independent of the universe. Although this cognition is never intermingled with the other i.e. with objects, these objects) nevertheless appear to be composed of consciousness. (6) [106]
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