लघु तत्त्वस्फोट :
न वार्थसत्ता पृथगर्थमण्डलों विलङध्य विस्फूर्जति कापि केवला । भवान् स्वयं सन्नखिलार्थमालिकां सदैव साक्षात्कुरुते चिदात्मना ॥७॥
na vārthasattā pṛthag arthamaṇḍalim
vilanghya visphūrjati kāpi kevala | bhavan svayam sann akhilārthamālikām sadaiva sākṣātkurute cidātmanā ||7||
Moreover, the "universal existence" never appears isolated from or going beyond the limits of the multitude of objects in which it resides. (But) you directly perceive, by way of your self-which-is-consciousness, the totality of objects, (and yet you remain in) your own-being, (i.e. you remain One, separate from these objects, and thus you are greater than "universal existence"). (7) [107]
न शब्दसत्ता सह सर्ववाचके विलङ्घयेत् पुद्गलतां कदाचन । तथापि तद्वाचकशक्तिरञ्जसा चिदेककोणे तव देव वल्गति ॥ ८ ॥
na sabdasatta saha sarvavācakair
vilanghayet pudgalatām kadācana | tathāpi tadvācakaśaktir añjasā
cidekakone tava deva valgati/|8||
(Similarly), the "word-existence" [Sabda-satta], along with all the words in which it resides, does not transcend its material nature (i. e. words are composed of matter; hence the "word-existence" is also material). Even so, o Lord, the power of expressing these words is indeed held within a small corner of your consciousness. (8) [108]
gaisaruf afgrüftgaà fanısarutgafgedi ya 7 1
प्रमेयशून्यस्य न हि प्रमाणता प्रमाणशून्यस्य न [हि] प्रमेयता ||९||
kuto'ntar artho bahirarthanihnave
vină ntararthad bahirartha eva na
prameyaśūnyasya na hi pramāṇatā
Jain Education International
pramāṇaśūnyasya na [hi] prameyatā |19||
If one denies (the existence of) external objects, how then can there be internal reflection? And without internal reflection, there cannot be any (knowledge of) external objects. Indeed, there can be no cognition (at all) (who asserts that the universe is) devoid of objects; and in the absence of cognition, there can be no (way of ascertaining the presence of) objects. (9)
for one
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