(Living in accordance) with the scriptures, you never fell away from the insight into the nature of reality, and you very carefully protected beings of all six classes (i. e. earth-bodies, water-bodies, fire-bodies, air-bodies, vegetable-bodies, and beings with more than one sense faculty). Although impartial (by virtue of non-attachment), you became, as if compelled (to do so), partial (i. e. compossionate) towards all beings. (3) [203]
सूर्या शुजाः पावकविपुषस्ते विनिर्दहन्त्यः परितोऽपि गात्रम् । अभीप्सतः कर्मफलकपाकमासन सुधासीकरनिविशेषाः ॥४॥ sūryāmsujāḥ pāvakavipruşas te
vinirdahantyaḥ parito' pi gātram / abhipsataḥ karmaphalaikapākam
āsan sudhäsîkaranirviseșāh 114/1 The sun's rays produced sparks of fire which, although they scorched your Jimbs on all sides, became for you indistinguishable from drops ambrosia; for you aspired to nothing but the ripening of the fruits of karmas, forcing them into maturity by means of severe (austerities). (4) [204]
मन्दः समस्वादभरेण नक्तं गृहीतयोगः शबवद्विचेष्ट: । परेतभूमौ परिशुष्कमूतिः विघट्टितस्त्वं दशनैः शिवाभिः ॥५॥ mandaḥ samāsvādabhareņa naktam
gļhitayogaḥ śavavad viceştah / paretabhūmau parişuśkamürttih
vighattitas tvam daśanaih sivabhih 1/5/1 Fatigued by the burden of (austerities leading to) the experience of equanimity, you stayed at night in the charnel ground, motionless as a corpse, resolved to remain in motionless as a corpse, resolved to remain in meditation. (As you sat there), the jackal's teeth crushed your emaciated body. (5) [205]
विदग्धरोगीव बलाविरोधान्मासार्द्धमासक्षपणानि कुर्वन् ।
अनादिरागज्वरवेगमु(म)त्र क्रमेण निःशेषितवानलोलः ॥६॥ vidagdharogiva balāvirodhān
māsārdhamāsakşapanāni kurvan/ anādirāgajvaravegamu(a)tra
kramena niḥśeșitavān alolaḥ 11611 Like a wise patient you fasted for a month or a fortnight, according to your ability. Devoid of lust in this world, you gradually eliminated completely the power of that fever whose form is beginningless attachment. (6) [206]
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