(faith) blazing like lightning fire in consuming the grove of sprouting sins, cannot destroy the cycle of births, even if they, with mighty resolve, perform austerities or acquire knowledge or give away wealth in charity.
संसाराम्बुधिसेतुबन्धमसमप्रारभ्भलक्ष्मीवनप्रोल्लासामृतवारिवाहमखिलत्रैलोक्यचिन्तामणिम् ।
कल्याणाम्बुजखण्डसंभवसरः सम्यक्त्वरत्नं कृती यो धत्ते हृदि तस्य नाथ सुलभाः स्वर्गापवर्गश्रियः॥ The splendour of heaven and final release, O Lord, is easily attained by the meritorious man who possesses the Jewel of Right Faith in his heart. It serves as a causeway for traversing the ocean of worldly wanderings, and acts like a cloud, showering nectar for the lusty growth of the garden of prosperity, of incomparable extent. It is a wishing gem for the entire universe and a lotus pool of mundane bliss.
यद्देवैः शिरसा धृतं गणधरैः कर्णावतंसीकृतं न्यस्तं चेतसि योगिभिर्नृपवरैराघातसारं पुनः ।
हस्ते दृष्टिपथे मुखे च निहितं विद्याधराधीश्वरैस्तत् स्याद्वादसरोरुहं मम मनोहंसस्य भूयान्मुदे ॥ May the lotus of Syādvāda doctrine delight the swan of my mind! It is cherished by the ascetics in their hearts, and its rich perfume is inhaled by mighty kings. The Vidyādhara chiefs keep it in their hands and mouths and under their eyes.
मिथ्यातमःपटलभेदनकारणाय स्वर्गापवर्गपुरमार्गनिबोधनाय ।
तत्तत्त्वभावनमनाः प्रणमामि नित्यं त्रैलोक्यमङ्गलकराय जिनागमाय ॥ Ever do I bow to the Doctrine preached by J
the Doctrine preached by Jina, applying my mind to the contemplation of its fundamental principles: the Doctrine that dispels the enveloping gloom of false tenets, reveals the way to the cities of Heaven and Salvation, and does good to the universe.
CĀRITRABHAKTI ज्ञानं दुर्भगदेहमण्डनमिव स्यात् स्वस्य खेदावहं धत्ते साधु न तत्फलश्रियमयं सम्यक्त्वरत्नाङ्करः ।
कामं देव यदन्तरेण विफलास्तास्तास्तपोभूमयस्तस्सै त्वचरिताय संयमदमध्यानादिधाम्ने नमः ॥ Salutation to thy Rule of conduct, the abode of self-control, self-restraint, meditation and other attributes! Without it, O Lord, knowledge is a burden, like the decoration of an ugly body. Without it the Jewel of Right Faith, a germinating plant, doth not bear fruit in plenty, and the fields of austerities remain ever barren.
यञ्चिन्तामणिरीप्सितेषु वसतिः सौरूप्यसौभाग्ययोः श्रीपाणिग्रहकौतुकं कुलबलारोग्यागमे संगमः ।
यत् पूर्वैश्चरितं समाधिनिधिभिर्मोक्षाय पञ्चात्मकं तच्चारित्रमहं नमामि विविधं स्वर्गापवर्गाप्तये ॥ For the attainment of heaven and final release, I venerate that fivefold Rule of Conduct, varied in character, which was practised by
1 The five kinds of Right Conduct (सम्यक्चारित्र) are, roughly speaking, सामायिक (equani.
imity), छेदोपस्थापना (recovery of equanimity), परिहार विशुद्धि (absolute cessation from injury). मूक्ष्मसाम्पराय (all but complete freedom from passion), and यथाख्यात (passionless conduct). See Jaini: Tattvarthölligamatsūtra 9. 18. For details see the commentaries of Pujyapāda and Siddhasena on the sutra.
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