character of which may be contrasted with the concrete descriptions of many Brahmanical hymns. At the same time the sectarian character of some of the verses is all too apparent, as their purpose is to glorify Jaina dogmas and tenets, specially the Syādvāda doctrine. Nevertheless, these little hymns or prayers breathe an atmosphere of saintly purity, and proclaim the triumph of Light over Darkness, of the all-pure Self over the obstacles of matter.
The scheme of arrangement of the devotional verses in Book VIII, sections 35-37, is worthy of notice. Somadeva starts with elaborate and complicated prose invocations of the five Parameşthins and the three Jewels,' followed by groups of verses styled Bhaktis in the following order : Darśanabhakti (Addressed to Jina), Praise of Right Faith (three verses); Jñanabhakti, Praise of Right Knowledge (three verses); Cāritrabhakti, Praise of Right Conduct ( three verses); Arhadbhakti, Praise of the Arhat (seven verses); Siddhabhakti, Praise of the emancipated saints (three verses); Caityabhakti, Praise of the Shrine (one verse); Pañcagurubhakti, Praise of the five teachers, that is, the Parameşthins (one verse ); śāntibhakti, Praise of the Tirthamkara Sāntinātha (one verse); and Acāryabhakti, Praise of the Preceptor
ints (ten verses). It may be noted in this connection that the use of the term Bhakti in the sense of a devotional prayer or hymn' is much earlier than Somadova, who was no doubt influenced to some extent by the Bhaktis attributed to Pūjyapāda and Kundakunda. The Bhaktis in our work are followed by a description of the ceremonial worship of Jina, dealt with in Book VIII, Section 36. which contains the devotional verses (including a prose passage) recited in the various stages of the ritual. This is followed by the lyrical hymn in Section 37, which is meant to be sung after the formal worship is over. Somadeva's arrangement of the verses is designed to conform to ceremonial requirements, but their independent value as notable specimens of Jaina religious poetry can be easily recognised. The following specimens are mainly from the verses classified above.
DARŠANABHAKTI ते कुर्वन्तु तपांसि दुर्धरधियो ज्ञानानि संचिन्वर - वित्तं वा वितरन्तु देव तदपि प्रायो न जन्मच्छिदः ।
एषा येषु न विद्यते तव वचःश्रद्धावधानोद्धुरा दुष्कर्माकुरकुञ्जवज्रदहनद्योतावदाता रुचिः ॥ Those who possess no faith, ardent with devotion to thy teachings, O Lord,
1 See Chap. IV for specimens. 2 See suffi: edited by Pt. Jinadāsa Pārsvanātha with the commentary of Prabhācandra.
It contains Siddhabhakti, Śrutabhakti, Cāritrabhakti, Yogibhakti, Ācāryabhakti, Pañcagurubhakti etc. in Sanskrit and Prākrit. The work is anonymous, but Prabhācandra remarks at the end of the comm. on Siddhabhakti that the Sanskrit Bhaktis were composed by Pujya pada and the Prākrit ones by Kundakundu.
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