The sighs of thy beloved, o lover, are utterly like desert winds; her tears flow like a garden rivulet; and owing to her wrath her sobs are loud and shake the bosom ( 3, 496).
भ्रातस्त्वद्विरहेण संज्वरभरादस्याः सरःसंगमे पाथःकाथविधेर्यदद्भुतमभूदेतत्तदाकर्ण्यताम् ।
उड्डीनं मुहुरण्डजैस्तिमि कुलस्तीरे स्थितं दूरतः शीण शैवलिमञ्जरीभिरभितः क्षीणं क्षणाचाम्बुजैः॥ Listen, o brother, to the miracle of how the waters boiled when she entered the waters of the pool, suffering from grievous heat owing to her separation from thee! The birds flew off again and again; the fish kept to the shore at a distance; the offshoots of the moss were torn to shreds all around; and the lotus blossoms withered in a moment! (3. 497).
तव सुभग वियोगात् पञ्चषैरप्यहोभिर्मनसिजशरदीर्घाः श्वासधाराः सुदत्याः ।
स्मरविजयपताकास्पर्धिनी वकान्तिस्तनुरतनुधनुातानवं चातनोति ॥ Beautiful lover, in less than a week, owing to her separation from thee, the fair maid's sighs lengthened like Cupid's arrows; the complexion turned white as Cupid's triumphal banner; and the body became lean as Cupid's bowstring ! (3. 498).
केदं काश्य क च मनसिजस्फारवाणप्रहारः कार्य तापः क्व च निरवधिर्बाष्पपूरप्रचारः ।
कैषा मूर्छा क च कुचपटप्रेशणश्वासकल्पः कासौ लज्जा क च मृगशश्चित्रमेष प्रजल्पः॥ What a great contrast between the emaciation of the fair maid's body and the continuous hitting by Cupid's arrows! Between her heat and the unceasing flood of her tears! Between her swoon and the sighs that shake her robe! Between her bashfulness and the words uttered at random ! Strange it is all! (3, 502)
बन्धुप्रार्थनतस्त्वयि स्मृति निशावेशात्तया मुग्धया दत्तश्चक्षुषि यावकः कृतमिदं बिम्बाधरे कजलम् ।
कण्ठे काञ्चिगुणोऽर्पितः परिहितो हारो नितम्बस्थले केयूरं चरणे धृतं विरचितं हस्ते च हिजीरकम् ॥ Begged by her friends ( to decorate herself ), the foolish girl, owing concentration of the night-like train of her thoughts on thee, applied red lac paint to the eyes and collyrium to the ruddy lips; wore the girdle round the neck and the neck-lace on the hips; and fastened the bracelets to the feet and the anklets to the hands! (3. 503).
कामस्यैतत्परमिह रहो यन्मनःप्रातिकूल्यं तस्मादेष ज्वलति नितरामङ्गमाधुर्य हेतुः ।
कामं कान्तास्तदनु रसिकाः प्रीतये कस्य न स्युस्तत्रास्वादः क इव हि सखे या न पक्का मृणाल्यः ॥ Love's great secret it is on earth: it blazes up on account of disappointment of hopes, lending grace to women's physical charms. Fair women then become subject to intense passion, and who would not delight in them? What is their flavour like, o friend?' They are just tender water-lilies!' (3. 506).
Red paint is applied to the lips and collyrium to the eyes.
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