uttlangh-, atikramana- and leaping (kūdna). So the sense 'leaping at can well fit our context. The passage at 17 13 4 is- "devamti disai saliladhārā”- the stream of water is seen rushing forth'. Here a forceful motion of the stream is implied. At PC.II 25 6 5 the passage is- "uhaya valahi devanti vihargai "- 'the birds were crossing or haunting both sides'. Here N dez- means 'to jump across, fly across the whole length of the sky (atikram-'). deviya- at NC. 7' 7 5 is rendered with priņita- on the authority of the tippņa-. The relevant passage is- "rumda-pinda- deviya - bherumdai”_"'- 'the bherundas were running towards, sweeping on towards the mutilated trunks'. In the light of the above occurrences we can very well take here also deviya- in the sense of 'sweeping upon.'
Hence » deu, implies 'running on the ground' or 'any forcefull or sweeping motion either on the ground or in the sky'. 'To leap or rush forcefully or sweepingly towards something' would suit all
contexts. 1011. Dora-- 85 10 21 (v.l. dora-) 'a rope'.
[The relevant passage is- "dad hadorenań pabalabalalo baddho balo"-'The strong and sturdy child was bound with a strong rope !. cf. PSM. dora-(D)= guna-, 'a thread'; cf. dora- occurring in the sense of a 'string-like necklace' in JC. (2 26 5) & NC. For N.I.A. cognates see N.D. doro= 'thread'. The word dadaraka - is a Sanskratised form of dora-. See dora-]
1012. ^ Doll- 'to swing to and fro':
dollai (pres.3-s.) 4 18 2.
The relevant passage is- "dollai vasumat”- the earth swings to and fro'; cf. y doll-= 'to swiug': cf.; 1 doll- occurrirg in the same sense in JC. (4 4 16), NC., PC. I & PCII. For the. N.I.A, cognates see ND. dol= 'oscillation, shaking'.)
1013. ^ Dhakk- 'to cover':
dhakkamta (pres. p) 62 11 2 (v.l. dha mkamta). [=acchadayan (gl.): cf. dhakk-= chad-, 'to cover' (H. 4 21); cf.
dhakk- occurring in the same sense in Bh. See » dhařk- and
dhamkana-] 1014. Dhamk- 'to cover, to conceal vell, shut':
dhařkai (pres.3s.) i 13 10, 3 12 17, 24 14 6, 47 5 12, 49 96, 73 19 2,
77 9 15, 88 6 12; dhamkamti (pres. 3. pl.) 3 15 11 (v.l. dhakkamti); Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only