branch or bough'; cf. also dal- sākha (jñāneśvari). For the N. I. A. cognates see ND. dalo- 'branch, bough'.)
1006. Dāvi- 35 5 3 (v... davi) 'a seal, a finger-ring'.
[-mudra- (g1.); the relevant passage is- "eha dāvi kulisamaya laep pinu" 'having taken this diamond ring'. It is not noted by PSM. The word inay be originally connected with Sk. darvi= 'ladle'. Cf. M. dāv-= 'a hollowed coconut used as a cup or vessel', and dava-= 'a hollow case of a seal'. See ND. dabbā= 'small box, casket'.
1007. Dimdira - 12 8 5, 14 6 5, 89 5 6 'the foam of the sea'.
[=phena- (gl.); the relevant passages are-1) siyagholamāņa-dimdıracira" (12 8 5,)- 'the flowing garment in the form of white whirling foam of the sea' and 2) tadalagga-dimdira pimda” ( 14 6 5) - 'the collection of the foam of the sea stuck to the bank'; cf. PSM. disdira-= samudra-phena-; cf. dindira, occurring in the same sense in PC. I, II & III, CMC.; cf, dindira-= 'sea foam' (Tri. III); cf. Apte dindira= 'cuttle-fish-bone considered the foam of the sea'. Apte has noted dindira- in the sense of 'foam' quoting from Vikramānkacarita.
Cf. Hi, dindir- in the same sense.] 1008. Dumga- 9 2 27 (v.1. tuñga-) 'a herd', 'a group.' 'a multitude'.
[-uȚnda, samūha (gl.): the relevant passage is - "māyanga-duṁgāi ”'herds of elephants'. It is not noted by PSM.; cf. M. Hi. during- 'a
pile or heap'.] 1009. Demduba- 16 20 9 (v.l. dimduha-) 'a small water-snake'.
[The relevant passage is- "deřnd uheņa kim sappu dasijjai”- 'can a water-snake bite the serpent?' PSM. does not note deṁd uha-, but notes dumduha--'a species of snake'. At D. 7 5 vaivalaa- is equated with demduha-; cf. dindika-, dind uka-- 'a water-snake' (Bp. K.); cf. MW. dindibha-(L)- 'water-snake' and dundubha- 'an unvenomous water-snake' (Sāyaṇa.): cf. G. derdvū- 'a tiny water-serpent'.]
Dev- 'to leap or rush forcefully or sweepingly towards some. thing'; devamla (pres.p.) 17 12 8; devanti (pres. p. fem. 17 13 4.)
l=dhāvan (gl.); cf. PSM. V dev-= ut+langh-, 'to cross, to jump'; cf. » dev-= ud-langh- (PC.II)] The gloss on devañta at M.P. 17 12 8 renders it with dhāvan. The relevant passage here "sasichahi-sāranga-devanta-siham"- 'the lion leaping at the deer seen in the reflection of the moon'. The context is that of a lion and a deer. PSM. gives » dev, in the sense of
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