624. „Kukkar--to grut (w.r. to elephants)':
kukkarmati (v.1. bukkariti v.1. kukkuvařti) (pres 3.pl.) 77 5 11, SAt JC. 2 27 7 kukkaranti occurs in the sense of 'squabble of monk
eys'; cf. Hi. kūk-= 'cooing'.) 625 Ke ke 20 6 10 'ery of peacocks'.
[Compare Mw.kekā= 'the cry of a peacock' (MBb.), kekāvala(L)='a pea.
cock-] 626. Kekkāra- 91 1 9 'cry of peacock'.
[Compare MW.kekay-= 'to cry (as a peacock)'.] 627. Khaņakhan--'to jingle,' 'rattle' 'tinkle'
khanakhanamti (vol.khalakhalinti) (pres.3.pl.) 77 3 10 (w.r.to swords); khanakhonanta-(pres.p) 46 2 3 (w.r.to bangles), 75 8 13 (w.r. to swords) khanakhaniya-{p.p.) 73 10 6 (w.l.to beads of rosary). [Compare, khaṇakhan--,-/ khuņakhun--- 'clashing of swords' (NC.); cf.
khanakhan---tinkling' (PCI), rattling of swords' (PC.II), 'clanging (PC.III); cf.M khankhan-ne= 'to clang, clank, ring'; cf. Kon khankhan-ce=
*clinking or jingling of glass bracelets'; see khanakhana-] 628. Khanakhana - 14 4 6, 'zingling of bangles'; 52 15 6, 52 16 22, 88 5 2
'rattling of swords'.
[See khanakhan-] 629. Khalakbal- to rustle,' 'patter,' 'gurgle,' 'ripple,' 'clatter,' 'clink'
khalakhalanti (pres.3.pl.) 39 12 8 (w.r.to water), 85 2 12 (w.r.to water); khalakhalanta- (pres.p.) 46 2 6 (wr.to chains), 88 11 10 (w.r.to chains): khalakhaliya-(p.p.) 9 17 9 (w.r. to chains), [Compare khalahala-=khalakhala iti jala-pravaha-sabdānukarane (IC.); cf. V khalakhalakhal-= 'gurgling' (KC.,PC.II); cf. G. khalkhal= 'a gurgling sound,' M. kha_khalat= "noise arising from the collision of hard and sonorous bodies and Kon. khalkhal-ce= 'to make(the coins) to rattle':
see khalakhalakhal-.] 630. Khalakhalakhal-'to gurgle, ripple'
khalakhalakhalamta (pres.p.) 21 2 3 (w.r.to spring water).
[See khalakhal-. ] 631. Gadagad_-'to rumble (w.r.to clouds)'
gad agadiya—(p.p.) 77 2 3. [Compare M. gadagadne= 'to rumble, clatter, rattle of thunder, carts etc.' and Kon. gad gad='imitating of the tumbling, rattling, clattering (of
thunder, carts, coaches etc).' and gud gudu='thunder'. ] Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only