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## Introduction
**Inscription (Chandragiri)**
**Gautama Ganadhara**
**Tattvarthabhashya Pro. Vacakamukhya Shivashri**
**Tapagachch Pattavali Jinabhadragani**
**Bhadrabahu (Anvayamen)**
**Ghoshanandi Ksaman**
**Chandragupta (Shishya)**
**Vacak Umaswati**
**Padmanandi (Anvayamen)**
**Gṛpiच्छ Umaswati (Anyayamen)**
**Balakapiच्छ Shishya**
Thus, these three traditions are before us. Regarding the Tapagachch Pattavali, it is only to be said that in the presence of Dharmasagar Gani, while praising the Tattvarthabhashya, he mentioned Umaswati along with the tradition of Tapagachch Acharyas. The reason for this is only to accept Umaswati as a Yuga Pradhan Acharya along with his actual time. The same is true for Jinabhadra Gani. Both of them are not the Acharyas of the Tapagachch tradition, nor does Dharmasagar Gani believe so. This is the reason why he has mentioned them only as Yuga Pradhan Acharyas while giving a separate direction to the Tapagachch tradition. Therefore, leaving this and other praises found with slight differences, two main traditions remain before us - one is the tradition of inscriptions found in Shravanabelagola and the other is the tradition of praise found at the end of the Tattvarthabhashya.
It is evident from observation that not only are the Guruparamparas different in both these mentions, but also their Upapadas or names are different. While the tradition of inscriptions of Shravanabelagola declares the Tattvarthsutrakar as Gṛpiच्छ Umaswati, the praise of Tattvarthabhashya addresses him as Vacak Umaswati. Therefore, on these grounds, our belief is firm that Gṛpiच्छ Umaswati and Vacak Umaswati must be different Acharyas.
_Thus, after proving these two Acharyas to be different through this much discussion, it is to be seen here how much truth is there in the name Gṛpiच्छ Umaswati, because we find many kinds of mentions regarding this name. Sometimes he is called only Gṛpiच्छ and sometimes he is called Umaswami or Umaswati with the Upapada Gṛddhpiच्छ. Sometimes Gṛddhpiच्छ is said to be another name of Umaswati, and sometimes only the name Umaswati comes. Although these names seem different at first glance, like the name Umaswami is different from Umaswati. It can be said here that one of these names must have been there first and later 'm' in the place of 'n'._
1. In the context of the description of Anvayavali in Jinendra Kalyanaabhyudaya, there is a verse in which both Kundakunda Acharya and Umaswati are called Vacak. And by looking at the last part of the Dhavala Tika, it is also known that the Upapada 'Vacak' was used in the Digambar tradition. But the evidence of Jinendra Kalyanaabhyudaya is relatively very recent and on this basis alone, Vacak Umaswati of Tattvarthabhashya and Gṛpiच्छ Umaswati of Shravanabelagola inscriptions cannot be considered one. See the letter of Pandit Jugalkishorji Mukhtar quoted in the appendix of the introduction of Tattvarthsutra by Pandit Sukhlalji.