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## Introduction
"I bow down to Patanjali, the best among the sages, who has removed the impurities of the mind through Yoga, the impurities of speech through grammar, and the impurities of the body through medicine."
There is disagreement about the time period of Patanjali Rishi. However, it is certain that he did not exist before the second century BCE. At present, we have the Patanjali Mahabhashya and the Sarvartha Siddhi. A comparative study of these two reveals that the literature of Acharya Pujyapada, especially the Sarvartha Siddhi, has been deeply influenced by the Patanjali Mahabhashya. Observing both, it becomes clear that there are many passages in the Sarvartha Siddhi that are adorned by the support of the Patanjali Mahabhashya. To clarify this, look at the following comparison:
## Patanjali Mahabhashya
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** Whether it is a rule or a prohibition that follows.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** Whether it is a rule or a prohibition that follows. Many words have the same meaning. For example,
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** Even though there is a difference in nature, due to the strength of usage, there are synonyms like Indra, Shakra, Puruhut, Purandara.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** Like Indra, Shakra, Purandara. Anudara kanya.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** Like Anudara kanya. There is a number-indicating word. For example, one, two.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** Number-indicating words like one, two, many.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** Many. Bahurodano bahu supa.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** Bahurodano bahu supa. When a rule is started after something is established, it is for the purpose of knowledge.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** When a rule is started after something is established, it is for the purpose of regulation. I think you will go by chariot.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** Come, I think you will go by chariot, you will not go.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** You have gone to your father. It was a future action. A son will be born.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** Vishvadrushva, his son is born. It was a future action.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** It should not be. The use of words is for the purpose of understanding meaning. Meaning is conveyed.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** Or, the use of words is for the purpose of understanding meaning. There, one word is used to express one meaning, because that meaning has already been expressed by one. The use of synonymous words is pointless. The second and third should not be used. The use of words that have already been expressed is not allowed. One thread is not strong enough for a cloth, but a group of them is.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** There is a thread that is not strong enough for a cloth, but a group of them is strong enough. One rope is not strong enough for binding, but a group of them is strong enough. These senses sometimes act independently.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** The desire for independence is seen. This eye of mine sees well.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** This eye of mine sees well. This ear of mine hears well.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** This ear of mine hears well. Sometimes they are desired to be dependent.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** In the world, the desire for dependence of the senses is seen. I see well with this eye. I hear well with this ear.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** I see well with this eye. I hear well with this ear.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** In fast, medium, and slow actions, the counting is different due to the difference in time.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** Counting.
* **Sarvartha Siddhi:** The analysis by parts, the whole, the meaning of the compound.
* **Patanjali Mahabhashya:** The analysis by parts, the whole, the meaning of the compound.