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Appendix 2
[425 S Gupti ... ||2||
8.816 6. 789
330.10 Asana - sitting posture. Avasatho - house.
Mahddi - greatness. 321.6 Shirshopaharo - worship with head.
6. 819 Uttama ... ||6||
331.8 Puttika - honeybee. 6. 797 323.4 Marganartha - for investigation. Dharmopaban - for killing Dharma. 8.820 Dharmopachyartham - for the growth of Dharma.
231.11 Jatarupavat - like a born form. Jatisuvarnavat - like a gold of caste. Kunap - dead. Anitya ... 17||
8. 822 6. 799
332.4 Smitam - slight smile. 324.11 Samuditam - arisen. Abhisvangaabhavat - due to lack of attachment. Vinipato - sorrow.
8.823 8. 800
332.6 Anushitam - served. Samyamayatana - ascetic. 325.2 Vyasanopaniphate - in the fall of addiction.
6. 824 8.801
333.1 Chaturvidhopasarga - four types of offenses. Devamanavatiryagachetanakritopa.
Sarga bhedat - due to the difference of offenses. 325.14 Nirvedo - dispassion.
8.825 6. 806
333.5 Vyapgatasuvath - like a dead person. 327.8 Kramsra - by the flow of water. Tajalabhiplave - by the water entering. 8.826 Navo - boat. Nimajjate - sinks.
333.8 Mithyadarshanodrupta - excited by wrong view. Mithyadarshanoddhata - arrogant due to wrong view. 8.808
5. 827 - 328.2 Bahumadhyapradeshe - in the middle region. Atishayena - excessively. Madhyapradesha - middle region.
333.12 Vishasanam - weapon. 8.809
8. 828 328.8 Sarisrupah - reptile. Karkeendukah - crab. Duraasado - difficult to obtain. 354.2 Nissarikritamurte - of a thin body. Krishatarasareerasya - of a thin body. 8.810 329.2 Niyata - inevitable. Avashyabhavini - inevitable.
334.6 Vachanyamasya - of a silent person. Tatsamitaraya - limited.
Bhashinah - speaker. Marga ... ||8||
6. 830 8.813
'334.12 Viruddhaharasya - of opposite food. Sakrudupbhoga - one time consumption. Seva - service. Punah - again. 329.12 Tanmargparikramanaparichayen - by the knowledge of the circumambulation of that path. Jinopadista - instructed by the Jina. Punarupbhoga - again consumption. Aseva - service. Pathyaapathyaharasevanam - consumption of wholesome and unwholesome food. Vaishamyam - difference. Marganusheelasambandhen - in relation to the practice of the path.
6. 832 Kshutpipasa - hunger and thirst. 9||
335.5 Sakto - attached. Sidhma - doubt (?)
6. 829