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Appendix 2
And again, by the same all-pervading body-world, the middle region is entered twice, and continuously. Not counting those arising elsewhere or there, or those arising by entering the boundary, thus three times, and four times, and so on, until the extent of the expansion, elevation, and entry is reached: the number of spaces measured by the countless parts of an angula of square expansion, for that many times, arising there, and then, by the abandonment of the previously occupied field, entering a new region, and so on, all the worlds are pervaded. Now, if it is said that this measure of the world would be that body, then no, because of the acceptance of the pervading by the abandonment of the previously pervaded space.
§. 277
120.5 Change of Time. First, second, etc., the ghee arises in the first, second, etc., times, until the ghee of the measure of a koti of kotis, equal to ten oceans, is completed. So also the ghee of that measure. Thus, the continuity of death is also to be known. The arising and death of the arising in succession are not counted.
§. 279
121.6 Change of State. The nature of the veil of knowledge is primary, and with reference to it, it is said. The false view, distinguished by the five senses, etc., destroys all the most wretched states, and that is called its own appropriate state. It is called a koti of kotis, equal to an ocean, a middle koti of kotis, and a koti of kotis. The places of the passions and their activities are limited by the measure of countless worlds, and are six places, which are of the form of infinite part increase, countless part increase, countless part increase, countless quality increase, countless quality increase, and infinite quality increase. Those who have fallen into them have gone through that increase and increase. By this, their decrease and increase is indicated. Those places of the passions and their activities, thus being, become appropriate for that false-view-being to dwell in. Among them, the most wretched place of the passions and their activities is extremely slow, and the place of the passions and their activities appropriate for liberation is excellent, and their nature is such that there is no difference between them in regard to the work of dwelling. That place of the passions and their activities, which makes such a state, makes various experiences of the power of giving fruit to karmas, and the characteristics of experience, and is called the cause of them. 'Joga payadipadesa dvidianubhaga kasayado
kunadi' - by this statement. Therefore, that very place, endowed with special powers of wretchedness, makes countless worlds of experience and activity places. This triad, the most wretched, thus wandering about as the doer, becomes the most wretched place of yoga, appropriate for it, and conducive to it. And since the yoga, etc., are of the duration of an antarmūhūrta, etc., they take on another yoga, another passion, and sometimes, in a particular time, from the first most wretched place of yoga, they become the second place of yoga, endowed with countless part increase, which is related to their most wretched state, etc. Thus, they fall into four places. They are led by the increase of the four places, other than the infinite part, infinite quality increase, until they become countless part measured. Thus, with the most wretched experience and activity places being countless part measured in the places of yoga, the second experience and activity place of the one with the most wretched state and the place of the passions and their activities becomes. Its places of yoga also
fall into four places. They are to be known as countless part measured, as before. Thus, in the third, etc., experience places, this order is to be known until the completion of countless worlds. Thus, the second place of the passions and their activities becomes, which is attaining that very most wretched state. Its experience and activity places are also countless world measured, and each is endowed with countless part measured places of yoga, which have fallen into four places, and are to be known as before. In the said most wretched state, the excellent state, which increases in succession at each moment, is to be known as three hundred ocean-like koti of kotis measured, and the places of the passions, experience, and yoga are to be known in the order described.
§. 284
The wandering being is afraid........।।12।।
124.5 Because of being desired, because of being worthy of worship.
8. 285
124.7 Dividing in succession, transgressing in succession.
§. 286
124.10 The fourfold nature of the earth, etc., is stated in the scriptures. Thus,
Puḍavī pṛḍavīkāo puḍavīkāyā ya puḍavījīvā ya. Sāhāranopa-mukko sarīragahido bhavantarido.