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Appendix 2
If any living being takes up the state of *aupashamik samyaktv* for three periods of time. If the time of their *gunasthan* does not exceed that, then there is no taking up for seven nights and days. Therefore, there is no possibility of a difference from their other *gunasthan*. With *aupashamik samyaktv*, the difference in time for *sanyata* and *asanyata* is fourteen days, and for *pramatta* and *aprammatta* it is fifteen days. For one living being, the minimum difference in time is the minimum *antarmuhurta*, and the maximum is 61.1. The meaning is: the *mithyadristi* is the *audayik* state, and the maximum difference in time is the maximum *antarmuhurta*. It is said:
*Mithyatva prakruter udaye pradur bhavat*. The difference in time for *sasadan samyaktv* and *aupashamik samyaktv* is seven days,
*Dristiriti parinamik bhavah*. Now, with *ananta anubandhi aupashamik samyaktv*, the difference in time for *virata* and *avirata* is fourteen days, and for *virata* it is fifteen days.
*Krodhady daye'sya pradur bhavad idayiktvam kasman nochyata* Why is it not said that this is *audayik* due to the arising of *krodha* etc.?
*iti cet, avivakshitvat*. It is only necessary to know the days in relation to *darshan moha*.
*Mithyadristiyadi gunasthan chatushtaye bhavo nirupyitum upashanta kshaya ka ek jiva ke prati antar nahin hai*. It is intended to explain the four *gunasthan* of *mithyadristi* etc. Therefore, there is no difference for one living being in *sasadan samyaktv*, *samyak mithyatva*, and both of these, because the living being ascends the *upasham shreni* with *aupashamik samyaktv*, which arises from *vedak samyaktv*, and the three types of *darshan moha* - arising, destruction, and the appearance of destruction-pacification.
*Vat parinamiktvam*. The *samyak mithyadristi* is the *kshayopashamik* state. When it falls from that, it does not ascend the *shreni* of the same *samyaktv* again, but takes up another *samyaktv*.
*Nanu sarvaghatinam udya bhaave desha aaroha nahin karta kintu anya samyaktvako grahan ghatinam chodaye ya utpadyate bhavah sa kshayopashamik*. It does not ascend the *shreni* by taking up another *samyaktv* or by going into *mithyatva* and then taking up *samyaktv* again, because the *samyak mithyatva prakrti* cannot be *desha ghatit*.
*Na cha samyamithyatva prakrter desha dhatitvam sambhavati, karake tab shrenipar aaroha karta hai*. Therefore, there is no difference in it.
*Atah usaka sarvaghatitvena agame tasyah pratipaditvat iti*. It is established that it is *sarvaghatit* in the *agame*.
*Tada antar nahin hai*. There is no difference in that.
*Sasadan samyaktv, samyak mithyatva yuktam, upcharatastasya desha ghatitvasya api sambhavat*. It is appropriate that *sasadan samyaktv* and *samyak mithyatva* are connected, because it is possible for it to be *desha ghatit* by convention.
*Aur mithyatvase yukta ek jiva ke prati antar nahin hai*. There is no difference for one living being connected with *mithyatva*.
*Upchar nimittam cha deshata samyaktvasy ghatitvam, na hi*. It is *desha ghatit* by convention, because the *samyaktv* is not destroyed by the *mithyatva* in the same *gunasthan*, because the *mithyatva* of a living being situated in the *gunasthan* of *sadan* etc. cannot be different from the *gunasthan* of *samyak mithyatva* (the form of *samyaktv*).
*Mithyatva prakrtivat samyag mithyatva prakritya sarvasya dan adi gunasthaname sthita jiva ka mithyatva samyag mithyatva swarupasy (samyaktv swarupasy) ghatah adi gunasthanase antar asambhav hai*. It is possible that there is a liking for the truth taught by the *sarvagna*.
*Sambhavati sarvagna upadisht tatveshu ruchyanshasya api sambhavat*.
*Tada upadisht tatveshu ruchy ruchyatmako hi parinamh*. The result is liking or disliking for the truth taught. 8. 130
*Samyag mithyatvam iti*. 59. 13. There is no difference for *asangni* in relation to *nanak jiva*.
*[Ab bhaavaka kathana karte hain - mithyadristi yah ek mithyatva gunasthanavati tvana tesham sasadinan tara sambhavat*. Now, the *bhaavaka* say: *mithyadristi* is an *audayik* state because it is possible for it to be *mithyatva gunasthanavati*.
*Hota hai. Sasadan samyak dristi yah parinamik bhavah*. It happens. *Sasadan samyak dristi* is a *parinamik* state.
*[Asangniyon ka nana aur ek jiva ki apeksha antar bhavah nahin hai kyonki asanshiyon ke keval ek mithyatva gunasthan hi hota hai atah unaka sasadan adi gun sthanon se antar sambhav nahin hai]*. There is no difference for *asangni* in relation to *nana* and one living being, because *asangni* only have one *mithyatva gunasthan*, therefore, there is no possibility of a difference from their *sasadan* etc. *gunasthan*.
*Shankha ananta anubandhi krodha adi kshayake udayame*. Due to the arising of *krodha* etc. *kshaya* which are *ananta anubandhi*.
*Sasadan gunasthan prakat hota hai to ise audayik kyon nahin kahte?*. Why is it not called *audayik* when