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Appendix 2
§. 93
A being, having become one-sensed, experiences three hundred and thirty-one births and deaths, in the highest degree, in comparison to a single human being with a false view, for a period of forty-seven previous kotis. Another comparison: seventy-four previous kotis, due to the distinctness of the previous kotis. The same being, in the middle of that very moment, experiences more than a koti. Thus, having become a neuter, female, or male, with two, three, four, or five senses, it experiences forty-four births and deaths in the interval between the arising of the lifespan of a previous koti, in accordance with the number eighty, sixty, forty, and twenty-four, due to the diversity of its own karma. All these, when combined, amount to one hundred and sixty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-six. It is said:
"In the middle of a moment, eight times are produced the small births and deaths of a human being who is a small birth. Again, eight times are produced with a neuter or female, but seven times with a male. Then, with a lifespan of three palya, it is born in the realm of enjoyment. By rule, those born in the realm of enjoyment are born in the heavens. Afterwards, there is a change of destiny. In the highest degree, in comparison to a single human being with an unrestrained right view, there are three palya. For a human being born in the realm of karma, whether he is endowed with the right view of a destroyer or with the right view of a destroyer of the knowledge of the veiling of perception, is born among the human beings of the realm of enjoyment. Thus, because of not abandoning the human destiny, there are three palya, in excess, afterwards there is a change of destiny."
[In the human destiny, the time of the false view guna-sthana, in comparison to a single being, is three palya, in excess, due to the distinctness of the previous kotis, that is, forty-seven previous kotis. Its explanation is as follows: with a neuter, female, and male, it is born eight times with a lifespan of a previous koti, and in the interval, within a moment, it is born eight times with the small birth of a human being who is a small birth. Afterwards, it is born again eight times with a neuter or female, but seven times with a male. Then, it is born in the realm of enjoyment with a lifespan of three palya. Beings born in the realm of enjoyment are born in the heavens by rule. Therefore, afterwards, its destiny changes. In the highest degree, in comparison to a single being with an unrestrained right view, the time of the guna-sthana is three palya. For a human being born in the realm of karma (bound human lifespan), whether he is endowed with the right view of a destroyer or with the right view of a destroyer of the knowledge of the veiling of perception, is born among the human beings of the realm of enjoyment. Therefore, because of not abandoning the human destiny, there is a time of three palya, in excess. Afterwards, its destiny changes.]
"Three hundred and thirty-six births and deaths, sixty-six thousand. Thus, the small births are. In the middle of a moment. Know that eighty, sixty, forty, are the small births of the विकलेन्द्रिय. Twenty-five are the small births of the five-sensed, in the middle of a moment."
When there are so many births and deaths in the middle of a moment (within a moment), then eighteen births and deaths are obtained in a single breath. Of these, one is called a small birth. What is that? It is said: in the moment described above, in the highest degree, there is infinite time, which is characterized by the transformation of innumerable pudgalas, and which is continuously one-sensed, dying and being reborn. Then, it becomes विकलेन्द्रिय or five-sensed.
[The smallest time, in comparison to a single one-sensed being, is the grasping of a small birth. How that small birth is, is said: in the moment described above, a being, having become one-sensed, experiences sixty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-two births and deaths. And the same being, within that very moment, experiences eighty, sixty, forty, and twenty-four births and deaths, in accordance with the number, having become two-sensed, three-sensed, four-sensed, and five-sensed, due to the diversity of its own karma-bond. All these small births, when combined, amount to sixty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-six. It is said: "Sixty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-six births and deaths. Thus many small births are. In the middle of a moment. Know that eighty, sixty, and forty are the small births of the विकलेन्द्रिय. Twenty-five are the small births of the five-sensed, in the middle of a moment."
§. 95
When there are so many births and deaths within a moment (within a moment), then eighteen births and deaths are obtained in a single breath. Of these, one is called a small birth. णम्. What is that? It is said: in the moment described above, in the highest degree, there is infinite time, which is characterized by the transformation of innumerable pudgalas,
the smallest time, in comparison to a single one-sensed being, is the grasping of a small birth.
1. गो० जी० मा० 122,123 2. कल्लाणा- लोयणा 6.