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The **antarmuhurt** is a very short period of time. Thus, there are countless variations of the **antarmuhurt** for the **guna sthana** of a living being, compared to a single being. It is also said, "Time is also a moment." For all four **upshamaka**s, as in "All humans have a **muhurt** of entry and residence together, up to the number of 3,773 **uccha**-possible 54."
Compared to a single being, the time of death for many beings is a very short period. The **utkrista** time is slightly less than half a **pudgala** change.
**Doubt:** In this way, the time of death for a **mithyadristi** is also a moment. Why is it not mentioned in the sutra "**sansarinon muktashcha**"? We will address this later. The time of the **sasadan** **guna sthana** is one **avali** (compared to a single being, it is six **avali**s).
**Answer:** It is not correct to say so. There is one **avali** of **mithyatva** **guna** time. It is said, "The death of a being who has attained countless **sthana**s occurs in one **avali** of time of the **antarmuhurt**. The middle of a countable **avali** is impossible. It is said, "An **ananta anubandhi** has one **ucchavasa**. Seven **ucchavasa**s make one **visanayojan** for a **vedaka** who is **samyakdristi** and has a **mithyatva** **stoka**. Seven **stoka**s make one **lava**. When a **guna sthana** is attained, there are 37.5 **lava**s in one **avali** time. Two **nalis** do not have the **udaya** of an **ananta anubandhi**, and one **anta** is one **muhurt**. Thirty **muhurt**s make one day. Death does not occur until the **muhurt** time. **Samyak** and **mithyadristi** both have a **muhurt** time, and fifteen days make one **paksha**.
The time of death for a **mithyadristi** is not a moment because they lose their **guna sthana** when the time of death arrives. The time of the **asanyata** and **samyata-asanyata** **guna sthana** is much shorter than the **antarmuhurt** of a single being, and they do not die until the **muhurt**. Therefore, the **asanyata** and **samyata-asanyata** **guna sthana** have a longer **antarmuhurt**. The **antarmuhurt** is further multiplied. This should be understood later.
The time of the **asanyata-samyakdristi** **guna sthana** is slightly more than 33 **sagara**s compared to a single being. This is because **kshapika**s and **ayogakevali**s are able to attain **moksha** and therefore do not die in the **avantar**.
The explanation is as follows: A being is born with a lifespan of one **purvakoti**. After one **antarmuhurt**, they attain **samyaktva** and **tapasya**, and are born in **sarvarthasiddhi**. After leaving there, they are born again with a lifespan of one **purvakoti**. After eight years, they attain the **ayogakevali** **guna sthana**. The **utkrista** time is slightly less than one **purvakoti** because they attain **kevalgyan** after eight years of **tapasya** from birth. Therefore, there are a few years less in the **purvakoti**.
The time of the **pramatta** and **apramatta** **guna sthana** is a moment compared to a single being. This is because all beings first attain the **apramatta** **guna sthana** due to the influence of specific **parinama**s. After that, they attain the **pramatta** **guna sthana**, which is its opposite. Therefore, a being in the **tiryag** **sanayata-samyakdristi** **guna sthana** dies after attaining the **apramatta** **guna sthana** when one moment remains in their lifespan. After that, they change their **gati**.
The time of the **tiryag** **asanyata-samyakdristi** **guna sthana** is a moment compared to a single being. A being in the **darshan-moha** **kshay** **guna sthana** dies after attaining the **pramatta** **guna sthana** when one moment remains in their lifespan. After that, they change their **gati**.
A **vedaka** who is **samyakdristi** and has one moment remaining in their lifespan is three **palyopamana**s compared to a **darshan-moha** **kshay** **vedaka**.