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Appendix 2
Verse from Tattvartha-vrtti by Shri Prabha Chandra
Saluting the omniscient Jina, the worthy of worship in the three worlds, I shall expound the Tattvartha-vrtti, which destroys the impenetrable darkness. (1)
'The class (varga) is the collection of powers (shakti-samudaya), as stated in the Sutras. (1.1)
Regarding the 'path of liberation (moksha-marga)', the 'knower (jnataram)' refers to the Buddhist, the 'destroyer (bhettaram)' refers to the Naiyayika-Vaiseshika, and the 'enjoyer (bhoksharam)' refers to the Yogin. (2.3)
The definition (lakshanam) is the determination (vidhanam) based on the specific nature (prakara). The mere statement of the essence (svarupa-kathana-matram) is the purpose (uddesha-matram). (4.5)
The 'distinctly separated (viviktam)' means free from the obstruction of the mobile (trasa). (4.5)
A certain worthy one (kascid bhavyah) is named Prasiddha. (4.7)
'Delusion (moha) is the firm (nishtha) non-ascertainment.' The word 'firm' (nishtha-shabdena) denotes the conduct (charitra) of liberation. The one whose firm state (nishtha) is near (pratyasanna) is called 'near-firm' (pratyasanna-nishthah). (4.7)
'Agurna' means 'uplifted (udyatah)'. (4.8)
'Visarga' means the utterance (ucchayana) in the context of description (nirupana-karmani). (8.22)
'Upasdya' means 'having approached near (samipe gatva)'. (11.15)
'Karma' refers to the substance-karma and the state-karma (bhava-karma). (1.8)
The qualities (guna) of universals (jati), attributes (guna), actions (kriya), and substances (dravya) are the qualifiers (viseshana) where the thing (vastu) does not possess that quality (atad-gunam). (13.2)
The doctrine (vada) devoid of proof (pramana) is false (prada). They consider the Tirthankaras as themselves, due to the absence of the essential nature (niscaya-rupa-shunyatva). (1.10)
'Nikshepya' means the designated place (vivakshita-pradesha) of the dice (akshanam) and the ropes (pashananam). The word 'adi' refers to the basket (varataka) and others. (13.6)
'Liberation (moksha) is the absolute destruction of the nine innate qualities of the self, such as knowledge, happiness, sorrow, attachment, aversion, effort, merit, demerit, and impressions.' (2.1)
1. There is another reading 'mala-apratima-prabodhah'.
2. The reason for this verse is not clear. It is the 45th verse of Amita-gati's Pañcasaṃgraha.