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22. With yellow-lotus-white-dust particles, two-two, four-four, remaining. 23. From the previous, to the Veiyaka, the Kalpa. 24. The Laukantika, with the Brahma-loka as their abode. 25. Those who are based on Sarasvati, Aditya, Agni, Arun, Garud, Toya, Tushita, and Vyavahara. 26. In Vijaya, etc., two are the last. 27. The remaining are the Tiryancha-yoni, from the Aupapatika-manushya. 28. The remaining of the Sthiti, Asura, Naga, Suparna, and Dvipa, are less than the Sagara-upamatra-tri-palya-upamatra. 29. In Saudharma and Ishana, they are greater than the Sagara-upamatra. 30. In Sanatkumara and Mahendra, they are seven. 31. But, they are greater by three, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, and fifteen. 32. From Aranya and Uchchuta, upwards, one by one, in the nine Veiyaka, in Vijaya, etc., and in Sarvartha-siddhi. 33. The other is greater than the Palya-upamatra. 34. From the other, from the other, the previous, the previous, the next. 35. And, of the Naraka, in the second, etc. 36. Ten thousand years, in the first. 37. And, in the Bhavana. 38. And, of the Vyantara. 39. The other is greater than the Palya-upamatra. 40. And, of the Jyotishka. 41. The eighth part of that is the other. 42. Of the Laukantika, eight are the Sagara-upamatra, of all.
Thus ends the fourth chapter.
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Fifth chapter 1. The Ajiva, Dharma, Adharma, Akasha, and Pudgala.
526 2. The Dravya.
528 3. And, the Jiva.
530 1. Yellow-mixed-lotus-mixed-white-dust particles, two-two, four-four, remaining, thus, T. Bha. 2. Laukantika, T. Bha. 3. Vyavahara, Maruta, and Arisht, T. Bha. 4. Aupapatika, T. Bha. 5. In place of this one sutra, there are four sutras in T. Bha. They are as follows: Sthiti. 29. In the Bhavana, of the Dakshina-ardha-adhipati, the Palya-upamatra, half. 30. Of the remaining, one-fourth less. 31. Of the Asura-indra, greater than the Sagara-upamatra. 32. 6. In place of this one sutra, in T. Bha., there are three sutras. They are as follows: Saudharma, etc., in order. 33. Sagara-upamatra. 34. Greater. 35. 7. In T. Bha., there is a sutra, "Seven, in Sanatkumara." 8. In T. Bha., there is a sutra, "Greater by three, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, and fifteen." 9. Sarvartha-siddhi, T. Bha. 10. Greater, T. Bha. 11. In T. Bha., two more sutras are found before this sutra. They are as follows: Sagara-upamatra. 40. Greater. 41. 12. Greater, of the Jyotishka, T. Bha. 13. In place of this sutra, in T. Bha., the following sutras are found: Of the Prahana, one. 49. Of the Nakshatra, half. 50. Of the Taraka, one-fourth. 51. The lowest, one-eighth. 52. One-fourth, of the remaining. 54. 14. This sutra is not found in T. Bha. 15. In T. Bha., there is one sutra in place of these two sutras, "Dravya, Jiva."