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**How is omniscience attained?**
**By what means is omniscience attained?**
Omniscience is attained through the three Vedas, but not in a material sense, rather in a spiritual sense. In a material sense, it is attained through the masculine gender. Alternatively, it is attained through the non-scriptural gender. In the context of past lives, it is attained through the scriptural gender.
**By what means is omniscience attained through a Tirthankara?**
There are two types of omniscience attained through a Tirthankara: omniscience attained through a Tirthankara and omniscience attained through others. There are two types of others: those who attain omniscience in the presence of a Tirthankara and those who attain omniscience in the absence of a Tirthankara.
**By what means is omniscience attained through conduct?**
Omniscience is attained through conduct that is nameless or through conduct that is of one, four, or five types.
**By what means is omniscience attained through knowledge?**
Omniscience is attained through one, two, three, or four types of knowledge.
**What is the meaning of "avagahana"?**
"Avagahana" refers to the state of being pervasively present in one's own space. There are two types of "avagahana": inferior and superior. Superior "avagahana" is five hundred and twenty-five dhanus, while inferior "avagahana" is slightly less than three and a half aratnis. There are many variations in between. Omniscience is attained through any one type of "avagahana".
**What is the difference between those who have attained omniscience?**
The difference between those who have attained omniscience is that the inferior difference is two times, while the superior difference is eight times. The inferior difference is one time, while the superior difference is six months.
**What is the number of those who attain omniscience?**
The number of those who attain omniscience is one in one time for the inferior and one hundred and eight in one time for the superior.
**What is the meaning of "alp bahutva"?**
"Alp bahutva" refers to the difference in the number of those who have attained omniscience in relation to the different types of realms, etc. For example, in the context of the present time, there is no difference in the number of those who attain omniscience in the realm of omniscience. However, in the context of past lives, there are two types of those who attain omniscience in the realm: those who are born with omniscience and those who attain omniscience through liberation. Of these, those who attain omniscience through liberation are the fewest. Those who are born with omniscience are many times more numerous.
**What are the different types of realms?**
The different types of realms are: the realm of karma, the realm of non-karma, the ocean, the island, the upper realm, the lower realm, and the realm of the animals. Of these, those who attain omniscience in the upper realm are the fewest. Those who attain omniscience in the lower realm are many times more numerous. Those who attain omniscience in the realm of the animals are many times more numerous. Those who attain omniscience in the ocean are the fewest. Those who attain omniscience in the island are many times more numerous.
**What is the meaning of "sarvatah stoka"?**
"Sarvatah stoka" refers to those who attain omniscience in the realm of salt water. Those who attain omniscience in the realm of time are many times more numerous.