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-1012 $ 923] Chapter Ten
[369 The seven karmic substances are destroyed. The destruction of the sixteen karmic substances, namely, Nidra-Nidra, Prachala-Prachala, Styanagaddhi, Narakagati, Tiryanchagati, Ekendriya-jati, Dvoendriya-jati, Triendriya-jati, Chaturindriya-jati, Narakagati-prayogyanupurvi, Tiryanchagati-prayogyanupurvi, Atap, Udyot, Sthavar, Sukshma, and Sadharan, takes place simultaneously in the state of Nivrittibhadarasampray. Then, in the same state, the eight kashayas are destroyed. Then, in the same state, the Napumsakaved and Strived are destroyed in succession. Then, the six Nokashayas are destroyed with a single blow. Then, the Purushaved, Sanjvalanakrodha, Sanjvalanmana, and Sanjvalanamaya are destroyed in succession in the same state. Then, the Lobhasanjvalan is destroyed at the end of the state of Sukshmasaparay. Nidra and Prachala are destroyed at the end of the state of Kshinakashay Vitragachhadmastha. The five Jnanavarana, four Darshanavarana, and five Antaraya karmas are destroyed at the end of the same state. One Vedaniya, Devagati, Audarikasharira, Vaikriyikasharira, Aharakasharira, Tejasasharira, Karmanasharira, five Bandhan, five Sanghata, six Sansthan, Audarikasharira Angopaang, Vaikriyikasharira Angopaang, Aharakasharira Angopaang, six Sanhanan, five Prashasta Varna, five Aprashasta Varna, two Gandha, five Prashasta Rasa, five Aprashasta Rasa, eight Sparsha, Devagati-prayogyanupurvi, Agurulaghu, Upghata, Parghata, Ucchvas, Prashasta Vihayogati, Aprashasta Vihayogati, Aparyapta, Pratyekasharira Sthira, Asthira, Shubha, Ashubha, Durbhaga, Susvara, Duhsvara, Anadeya, Ayashakirti, Nirman, and Nichagotra, totaling seventy-two karmic substances, are destroyed at the end of the state of Ayogakevali. One Vedaniya, Manushyayu, Manushygati, Panchendriya-jati, Manushygati-prayogyanupurvi, Tras, Bhadar, Paryapta, Subhaga, Adeya, Yashakirti, Tirthankara, and Ucchagotra, totaling thirteen karmic substances, are destroyed at the end of the state of Ayogakevali.
Note: There are a total of one hundred and forty-eight karmic substances. Of these, the karmic substances of Narakayu, Tiryanchayu, and Devayu do not exist in the state of Charmashiriri. The karmic substances of Aharakchatushk and Tirthankara are: 1. -Vedashcha tatraiva Mu. 2. Nokashayashtakam cha saha- Mu.