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## Chapter Nine
**1361** By the power of their inherent ability to destroy the particles of remaining karma, they purify the four types of karma - danda, kapaṭa, pratar, and lokapūraṇa - by spreading out their soul-regions for four periods of time. Then, by contracting their soul-regions for the same four periods of time, they equalize the remaining four types of karma. Having attained the size of their previous body, they engage in subtle actions through the subtle body yoga and practice the subtle action contemplation. After that, they begin the fourth contemplation, the contemplation of cessation of actions. This is called the contemplation of cessation of actions because it involves the cessation of the actions of the in-breath and out-breath, and the cessation of all actions of the body, speech, and mind, as well as the cessation of the pulsation of the soul-regions. In this contemplation of cessation of actions, the complete cessation of the influx of all karmic bonds and the destruction of all remaining karma occurs. This gives rise to the complete, perfect, and well-known conduct, knowledge, and insight of the non-liberated omniscient, which is the direct cause of liberation, leading to the severance of all the entanglements of the cycle of birth and death. Then, the non-liberated omniscient, the Lord, attains liberation, having burned away all impurities, stains, and karmic bonds by the fire of the intensity of his contemplation, and having destroyed the impurities of the metals, stones, and jewels, and attained a pure, golden soul. This is a two-fold austerity, as it is the cause of restraint due to its being the cause of the cessation of the influx of new karma, and it is also the cause of liberation due to its being the cause of the destruction of the residue of past karma.
**8907** Here it is said: "Are all right-believers equally liberated, or is there some difference?" To answer this, the next aphorism says:
_Right-believers, hearers, restrained, those who have severed the infinite attachments, those who have destroyed the doubts of insight, those who have calmed the passions, those who have attained peace of mind, those who have destroyed the doubts, those who have weakened the doubts, and those who have conquered the doubts - these are liberated in countless degrees._ **45**
**8908** These ten, right-believers, etc., are liberated in countless degrees. For example, the future omniscient, the one who has five senses, the one who has attained perfection, the one who has obtained the aforementioned time-limit, etc., the one who is growing by the purification of his transformations, the one who is gradually performing the actions of the past, etc., and the one who is experiencing the ripening of karma in a small amount - these are all liberated in countless degrees.