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## Chapter Nine
**The Explanation of the Three Meditations**
The explanation of the three meditations has been given. Now, the white meditation should be explained. It has four variations, which will be discussed. The first two variations are for the masters, and this is said for their identification:
**The first two white meditations belong to the **Shruta Kevali** (those who have perfect knowledge of the scriptures).**
The word "cha" (and) in the sutra includes the righteous meditation. According to the rule, "special knowledge is obtained through explanation," righteous meditation occurs before ascending the ladder of knowledge, and the first two white meditations occur on both ladders. This is how it should be explained.
**The remaining two white meditations belong to the **Kevali** (those who have perfect knowledge).**
The arousal and arising of the three passions (anger, greed, and delusion) and the three fires (anger, greed, and delusion) occur only until the penultimate part of the ninth stage of knowledge. They do not occur beyond that. This is a special feature: whoever ascends the ladder of knowledge due to the arising of a particular passion, does not experience its arousal in the first stage when one **avali kala** (a very short period of time) remains.
The arousal and arising of the passion of greed occur until the tenth stage of knowledge. It does not experience arousal, but arises when only one **avali kala** remains in the last stage of the tenth stage of knowledge.
The arousal and arising of the **vajranaracha** (a type of hell) and **naracha** (a type of hell) occur until the eleventh stage of knowledge.
Sleep and **prachalaki** (a type of hell) both arise and experience arousal until one **avali kala** remains in the twelfth stage of knowledge. Beyond that, they only arise until the penultimate part of the twelfth stage of knowledge.
The five knowledge-obscurations, four vision-obscurations, and five hindrances, these fourteen karmas, arise until the last stage of the twelfth stage of knowledge, and experience arousal until one **avali kala** remains in the twelfth stage of knowledge.
The human state, the five-sense beings, the **oudarika** (a type of body), the **taijas** (a type of body), and the **karman** (a type of body), the six substances, the **oudarika** limbs, the **vajravrishabhanaracha** (a type of hell), the four categories (color, etc.), the **aguru** (heavy), the **laghu** (light), the **upghat** (a type of hell), the **ucchavas** (a type of hell), the two **vihayoga** (a type of hell), the **bas** (a type of hell), the **badar** (a type of hell), the **paryapt** (a type of hell), each body, the stable, the unstable, the auspicious, the inauspicious, the beautiful, the melodious, the discordant, the **adeya** (a type of hell), the **yashkirti** (a type of hell), the **nirman** (a type of hell), and the **uchchagotra** (a type of hell), these thirty-eight karmas experience arousal and arise until the thirteenth stage of knowledge. They do not occur beyond that.
The **tirthankara** (a liberated being) karma experiences arousal and arises only in the thirteenth stage of knowledge.
Thus, constantly thinking about the **ajna** (command) and other things is righteous meditation. This is the meaning of the above statement.