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## Chapter Nine
[333] The fourth type of *ārt* meditation is called *nidāna*. [885] If you ask who is the owner of this four-fold *ārt* meditation, then it is said:
It is found in *avirat*, *deśavirat*, and *pramattasamyata* beings. [34]
[8886] *Avirat* are those who are not restrained in their *samyagdṛṣṭi* (right faith) and are not yet on the path of liberation. *Deśavirat* are those who are restrained in their *samyagdṛṣṭi* but are not yet fully liberated. *Pramattasamyata* are those who are engaged in actions with fifteen types of *pramāda* (negligence). Among these, *avirat* and *deśavirat* experience all four types of *ārt* meditation because they are affected by the consequences of their unrestrained actions. *Pramattasamyata* beings, however, may experience only *nidāna* and not the other three types of *ārt* meditation, because the intensity of their *pramāda* is very high.
[8887] The *ārt* meditation has been explained through its definition and other aspects. Now, to determine the definition, cause, and owner of the second type of meditation, the next sūtra says:
Continuous contemplation on violence, falsehood, stealing, and sensual pleasures is called *raudradhyāna*. It is found in *avirat* and *deśavirat* beings. [35]
[8888] The characteristics of violence, etc., have been mentioned earlier. They are the causes for the arising of *raudradhyāna*. This indicates the cause. The word "memory-association" ( *smṛtisamanvāhāra* ) is connected to these causes of violence, etc., because it follows the indication of the cause. For example, "memory-association of violence", etc. This *raudradhyāna* should be understood to be present in *avirat* and *deśavirat* beings.
**Doubt:** How can *raudradhyāna* be present in *deśavirat* beings, when it is said to be present in *avirat* beings?
**Resolution:** It is possible for *deśavirat* beings to experience *raudradhyāna* as well, due to the influence of violence, etc., or because they are dependent on wealth, etc., for their survival. However, the *raudradhyāna* experienced by *deśavirat* beings is...