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326] Sarvarthasiddhi
[917 $ 803] I am born alone, and I die alone. No one, neither kin nor stranger, can alleviate my suffering from disease, old age, and death. Relatives and friends do not go beyond the cremation ground. Dharma is my only helper, my eternal companion. This contemplation of oneness is Ekattvanupreksha. Thus, one who contemplates in this way does not develop attachment to loved ones, nor hatred towards strangers. Having attained detachment, he strives only for liberation.
803. Contemplation of otherness from the body is Anyatvanupreksha. For example, even though there is no difference in essence with respect to a bond, due to the difference in characteristics, 'I' am different. The body is sensory, I am non-sensory. The body is ignorant, I am the knower. The body is impermanent, I am eternal. The body has a beginning and an end, I am beginningless and endless. In the course of my wanderings in the world, countless bodies of mine have passed away. I am different from them. Thus, if I am different from the body, then, O dear one, what is the wonder if I am different from external objects? Thus, the mind of one who contemplates in this way does not develop attachment to the body and other things. As a result, with the intense detachment that arises from the contemplation of the true nature of things, one attains the ultimate bliss of liberation.
804. This body is the womb of extremely impure substances. It has grown from impure substances like semen and blood. It is a receptacle of impure substances like a latrine. It is covered only by skin. It is a fountain of extremely foul-smelling juice. It quickly destroys even the things that come into its shelter, like a burning coal. Even by bathing, anointing, incense, rubbing, and wearing garlands, its impurity cannot be removed. But the right vision, when contemplated properly, reveals the ultimate purity of the soul. This contemplation of the true nature of things is Ashuchitanupreksha. Thus, one who contemplates in this way is detached from the body. 1. I am born alone. 2. They do not go beyond the cremation ground. 3. The body is sensory, I am non-sensory. 4. One attains the ultimate bliss of liberation. 5. This body is the womb of extremely impure substances like semen and blood.