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## Chapter Eight
[315] The name-affections (karma) are subtle, confined to a single field, and abiding, being infinite in number, and they are found in all the regions of the soul. ||24|| 8780. The name-affections are called "name" because they are all the karmic substances, as is stated in the sutra "as they are named." This explains the cause. "Found in all" means that they are found in all the states of existence. The word "sarvatah" (found in all) is derived from the sutra "they are seen from other places also." This explains the time. For each individual soul, there are infinite past lives, and there are countless, innumerable, and infinite future lives. The word "yogaviseshat" (specific yoga) indicates that the karmic particles are acquired due to specific karmic conditions. The words "subtle" etc. are used to indicate the nature of the karmic particles that are capable of being acquired. The karmic particles that are capable of being acquired are subtle, not gross. The word "ekaksetravagaha" (confined to a single field) indicates that they are not found in other fields. The word "sthita" (abiding) indicates that they are not moving, but are stationary. The words "sarvatma-pradesesu" (in all the regions of the soul) indicate the basis. The karmic regions are not found in a single region or in a few regions. Where then are they found? They are found pervading all the regions of the soul, above, below, and sideways. The words "anantaanant-pradesha" (infinite in number) indicate that they are not countable, nor innumerable, nor infinite. These karmic aggregates are infinite times greater than the non-existent, and they are of the size of an infinite part of the liberated soul. They are confined to a field of an innumerable part of a ghana-angula (a measure of length), and they are abiding for a time that is countable, innumerable, and infinite. They are of five colors, five tastes, two smells, and four touches, and they are capable of being acquired by the eight types of karmic substances. They are acquired by the soul through the specific yoga. Thus, the karmic bondage should be understood in brief. 1. Past lives are infinite, countless, and innumerable. 2. Future lives are countless, innumerable, and infinite. 3. They are acquired by the soul through the specific yoga.