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-6125 §.657]
Chapter Six
A flawless conduct in the virtues of non-anger, etc., is the non-deviation from the vow of virtue. Constant application of right knowledge in the true nature of the soul, etc., is the continuous use of knowledge. Constant fear of the suffering of the world is the emotion. Renunciation is charity. It is of three types: food charity, fearlessness charity, and knowledge charity. It is called renunciation when it is used according to the rules and to the best of one's ability. Austerity is the bodily hardship that is not hidden and is not against the path. Just as a fire that has arisen in a storehouse is extinguished because it is very beneficial, so also, when an obstacle arises for a monk who is rich in vows and virtues, the maintenance of his austerity is called samadhi. The removal of the suffering of a virtuous person by a flawless method is called vaiyaavrutya. Affection with purity of emotions towards Arhats, Acharyas, Bahushruta, and sermons is called Arhat devotion, Acharya devotion, Bahushruta devotion, and sermon devotion. Performing the six essential actions in due time is called essential performance. The illumination of religion through knowledge, austerity, charity, and Jina worship is called path propagation. Affection for fellow religionists, like a cow for her calf, is called love for sermons. These are the sixteen causes. If they are considered separately, they are the causes of the asava of the Tirthankara name karma. If they are considered collectively, they are also the causes of the asava of the Tirthankara name karma.
§ 657. After mentioning the asavas of the name karma, it is now time to mention the asavas of the gotra karma. In that too, the asavas of the low gotra are mentioned first. The next sutra says: "Slandering others, praising oneself, covering up good qualities, and promoting bad qualities are the asavas of the low gotra." || 2500
1. -Acharya Bahu- Mu. 2. Tapa Jina - Mu.