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[ -618 § 624]
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§ 621. It is said, "The object of the action is liberated." Its nature is unknown, therefore it should be explained. There, for the purpose of knowing the nature of the object of the action through the exposition of its divisions, it is said:
Chapter Six
The object of the action is the living and the non-living. || 7 ||
§ 622. The living and the non-living have been described before. Why is there a repetition of their description? The repetition is for the purpose of indicating the specific object of the action. It is to be understood that the living and the non-living are the object of the action. What is it? It is the state of being an instrument of violence, etc. It may be said that since the original substances are two, the dual number "jivajiva" is justified in the sutra. This is not so, because the synonyms are considered to be the object of the action. The substance with any one synonym is the object of the action, not the substance alone, therefore the plural number is used in the sutra. The living and the non-living are the object of the action of what? Of the inflow. The connection with the inflow is established according to the meaning.
§ 623. There, for the purpose of understanding the divisions of the object of the action of the living, it is said:
The first object of the action of the living is of three kinds due to the divisions of commencement, preparation, and beginning, of three kinds due to the divisions of yogas, of three kinds due to the divisions of done, caused, and permitted, and of four kinds due to the divisions of passions, making a total of one hundred and eight kinds when combined together. || 8 ||
§ 624. The effort of a careless living being in the act of killing, etc., is commencement. The gathering of the means is preparation. The beginning of the act is beginning. The meaning of the word "yoga" has been explained before. The word "done" is used in the sutra to indicate the independence of the agent. The word "caused" indicates dependence on another's action. The word "permitted" is used to show the mental consequence of the instigator. The characteristics described