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[5133 § 589
Relationships arising from causes like fatherhood and sonship do not contradict each other; due to the non-difference of the object of application. For example, with respect to the son, he is the father, and with respect to the father, he is the son, and so on. Similarly, there is no contradiction in the fact that a substance is eternal with respect to the general and non-eternal with respect to the particular. These general and particular are, in some way, the cause of the transaction due to their difference and non-difference.
8589. Here it is said, due to the fact that the real is subject to the transaction of many kinds of Nayas, the origin of the Skandhas from the aggregates of differences is justified. But this is doubtful, whether the aggregate is only due to combination, characterized by dyads, etc., or whether there is some other specific characteristic? It is said, "When there is combination, the aggregate arises from the bondage that is characterized by the result of oneness. Even if this is said, why then, in the case of the abandonment of the Pudgala-jati, is there bondage for some and not for others when there is combination? It is said, because even though they are all Pudgalas in terms of their jati, their infinite Paryayas undergo mutually distinct transformations, and therefore, the power that arises from this makes it appear that -
Bondage arises from the qualities of being oily and rough. || 330
$ 590. Due to external and internal causes, the oily Paryaya appears, and therefore, it is called oily. Similarly, due to roughness, it is called rough. The oily and the rough are oily-rough. Their state is the quality of being oily-rough. The quality of being oily is the Paryaya characterized by the quality of being slippery. The opposite transformation of this is the quality of being rough. The reason is indicated in the sutra, "From the quality of being oily-rough." This is the cause of
The type is like Devadatta's father, son, brother, and nephew. Similarly, there are other relationships arising from causes like fatherhood and sonship, which do not lead to contradiction. When a particular dharma is predominant, it is considered in that context. For example, with respect to the son, he is the father, and with respect to the father, he is the son, and so on. Similarly, a substance is eternal with respect to the general and non-eternal with respect to the particular, so there is no contradiction. These general and particular are, in some way, the cause of the transaction due to their difference and non-difference.
8589. Doubt - Since the real is subject to the transaction of many kinds of Nayas, the origin of the Skandhas from the aggregates of differences, and the aggregates of differences themselves, may be justified, but it is doubtful whether the aggregate characterized by dyads, etc., is only due to combination, or whether there is some other specific characteristic? Solution - When there is combination, the aggregate arises from the bondage that is characterized by the result of oneness. Doubt - If this is the case, then explain why, even though all Pudgalas are of the same jati, there is bondage for some and not for others when there is combination? Solution - Because even though they are all Pudgalas in terms of their jati, their infinite Paryayas undergo mutually distinct transformations, and therefore, the power that arises from this makes it appear that -
Bondage arises from the qualities of being oily and rough. || 33 ||
8 590. Due to external and internal causes, the oily Paryaya appears, and therefore, it is called oily. Its etymology is "snihyate smeti snigdha". Similarly, due to roughness, it is called rough. The oily Pudgala's dharma is oiliness, and the rough Pudgala's dharma is roughness. The Paryaya of the Pudgala that is characterized by the quality of being slippery is oiliness, and the opposite transformation of this is roughness. The sutra indicates the reason as "snigdharukshatvat". The meaning is that
1. Skandhanamevutpa - di. 1, di. 2, a. | 2. - kuto'tra khalu di. 1, di. 2 1 3 -tyage sati mu. | 4. - hyate'sminniti mu.