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## Chapter Four
They are those who have the **Pita**, **Padma** and **Shukla** **leshyas**. How is the shortness (of the words)? It is due to **auttarpadika** (rule). For example, in the **druta** (fast) **vrutti** (chanting), the **taparakarna** (pronunciation) is done, and in the **madhyama** (medium) and **vilambita** (slow) **vrutti**, its **upasanchyan** (pronunciation) is done. Or, **Pita**, **Padma** and **Shukla** are the meanings of the **varna** (color) of those who have **leshyas** similar to them. They are those who have **Pita**, **Padma** and **Shukla** **leshyas**. Which **leshya** belongs to whom? It is said here:
In the **Soudharma** and **Aishana** **kalpas** (epochs), there is **Pita** **leshya**. In the **Sanatkumar** and **Maheindra** **kalpas**, there are **Pita** and **Padma** **leshyas**. In the **Brahmaloka**, **Brahmottara**, **Lantava** and **Kapishtha** **kalpas**, there is **Padma** **leshya**. In the **Shukra**, **MahaShukra**, **Shatara** and **Sahasrar** **kalpas**, there are **Padma** and **Shukla** **leshyas**. In the **Anata** etc., there is **Shukla** **leshya**. In that too, in the **Anudisha** and **Anuttara** **vimanas** (planes), there is **ParamShukla** **leshya**.
**Doubt:** How is the **misra** (mixed) **leshya** taken, which is not mentioned in the **sutra** (rule)?
**Solution:** It is taken due to **sahacharya** (association), like in the world. For example, when it is said, "The **chhatri** (umbrella-holders) are going", the **achhatri** (non-umbrella-holders) also have the **chhatri** (umbrella) **vyavahar** (usage). Similarly, here also, one of the two **misra** **leshyas** is taken.
**Doubt:** How is this meaning understood from the **sutra**?
**Solution:** It should be related like this: In two **kalpa** **yugalas** (pairs of epochs), there is **Pita** **leshya**. Here, in the **Sanatkumar** and **Maheindra** **kalpas**, there is no **vivaksha** (intention) of **Padma** **leshya**. In the **Brahmaloka** etc. three **kalpa** **yugalas**, there is **Padma** **leshya**. In the **Shukra** and **MahaShukra**, there is no **vivaksha** of **Shukla** **leshya**. In the remaining **Shatara** etc., there is **Shukla** **leshya**. There is no **vivaksha** of **Padma** **leshya**. Therefore, there is no fault.
1. **Tarpadika** etc., **A.** (**Agama**), **Di.** (**Digambara**), 1, **Di.** 21
2. As said: **Du.** (**Dushkari**), **Mu.** (**Muni**), **Na.** (**Natyasutra**), **Ta.** (**Tattvartha**), 3, "In the **druta** **vrutti**, the **taparakarna** is done, and in the **madhyama** and **vilambita** **vrutti**, its **upasanchyan** is done due to **kalabheda** (difference in time). In the **druta** **vrutti**, the **taparakarna** is done, and in the **madhyama** and **vilambita** **vrutti**, its **upasanchyan** should be done. Similarly, in the **madhyama**, the **druta** and **vilambita** are done, and in the **vilambita**, the **druta** and **madhyama** are done. What is the reason? It is not accomplished. It is due to **kalabheda**. Because, the **varnas** (letters) which are three parts more in the **druta** **vrutti**, are in the **madhyama**. And the **varnas** which are three parts more in the **madhyama** **vrutti**, are in the **vilambita**." - **Pa.** (**Pravacana**), **Ma.** (**Mahatma**), **Ma.** (**Mahatma**), 1, 1, 9.
4. **Khyanam** (pronunciation) etc. **Druta**, **Madhyama**, **Vilambita** etc. Or, **A.** (**Agama**), **Di.** (**Digambara**), 1 - **Khyanam** (pronunciation) etc. **Druta**, **Madhyama**, **Vilambita** etc. Or, **Di.** (**Digambara**), 2.