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## 190] Sarvartha Siddhi
[4121] 8483. **Gati**, **Sharira**, **Parigraha**, and **Abhimana** are all inferior in the higher gods, one after the other. ||21|| 8483. **Gati** is the means of attaining a different place from one's current location. **Sharira** refers to the **Vaikriyika** body, as previously mentioned. **Parigraha** is the attachment to objects arising from the **Lobha** (greed) **Kashaya**. **Abhimana** is the ego arising from the **Mana** (pride) **Kashaya**. These **Gati** and other factors are inferior in the higher gods, one after the other. They have less desire for play and enjoyment in different places, hence their **Gati** is less. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Saudharm** and **Aishana** heavens is seven **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Sanatkumara** and **Maheindra** heavens is six **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Brahma**, **Brahmottara**, **Lantava**, and **Kapishtha** kalpas is five **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Shukra**, **MahaShukra**, **Shatara**, and **Sahasra** kalpas is four **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Anata** and **Pranata** kalpas is three and a half **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Arana** and **Achyuta** kalpas is three **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Adhograiveya** is two and a half **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Madhyagraiveya** is two **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the **Uparimagraiveya** and **Anudisha** is one and a half **Ratni** in size. The **Sharira** of the gods in the five **Anuttara** Vimanas is one **Ratni** in size. **Parigraha**, such as the size and shape of the Vimanas, is also inferior in the higher gods, one after the other. **Abhimana** is also inferior in the higher gods, one after the other, due to their lesser **Kashaya**.
8484. The **Leshya** of the gods in the first three **Nikayas** has been explained previously. Now, to explain the **Leshya** of the **Vaimanika** gods, the following sutra is given:
**Pita**, **Padma**, and **Shukla** **Leshya** are present in the gods of the two, three, and remaining **Kalpa** pairs, respectively. ||22||
8485. **Pita**, **Padma**, and **Shukla** are in **Dvandva** compound, and then **Leshya** is in **Bahuvrihi** compound.