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-4119 § 479]
The Vimanas. Those which are situated in the directions like scattered flowers are called Pushpaprakirnakas. 8474. To understand the difference of these Vaimanikas, the Sutra says: They are Kalpopapanna and Kalpatita. ||17||
8475. Those who are born in Kalpas are called Kalpopapanna. And those who are beyond Kalpas are called Kalpatita. Thus, there are two types of Vaimanikas.
§ 476. Now, to understand their specific location, the Sutra says: They reside above. ||18||
8477. Question: Why is this said? Answer: It is said to negate their oblique position. They do not reside obliquely like the Jyotishkas. Nor do they reside unevenly like the Vyantaras. They are said to be "above". Question: What are they? Answer: Kalpas.
8478. If so, in how many Kalpa Vimanas do those Devas reside? To answer this, the Sutra says: In the Saudharma, Aishana, Sanatkumara, Mahendra, Brahma, Brahmottara, Lantava, Kapishtha, Shukra, Mahashukra, Shatara, and Sahasrar, as well as in the Anata Pranata, Aran-Achyuta, nine Graiveyakas, and Vijay, Vaijayanta, Jayanta, Aparajita, and Sarvarthasiddhi. ||19||
8479. Question: How do these Saudharma, etc., words become names of Kalpas? Answer: In grammar, the suffix "an" has four meanings. By this, the words Saudharma, etc., become names of Kalpas, or they are called Kalpas by nature. Question: How are the words Saudharma, etc., names of Indra? Answer: By nature or by association. Question: How so? Answer: Saudharma is the name of a Sabha (assembly), and Indra resides in it. Therefore, it is called the Saudharma Kalpa. "Tadasminnasti" means "in that". "An" is the suffix.