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-4114 § 4697
Chapter Four
The luminous bodies revolve in a clockwise direction, having attained the eleven types of yogas. S 160 In order to understand the relationship between the motion of the luminous bodies and the time of activity, it is said - the time division made by them. ||14||
$ 469. The word 'tat' is used to refer to the luminous bodies that move. Time is not determined by motion alone, nor by luminous bodies alone; because of the non-perception of the former and the non-change of the latter. Time is of two types: practical and primary. The practical time division is the time, the time-interval, etc., made by them, which is defined by a particular action and is the cause of the definition of something else that is not defined. The primary is different, whose characteristics will be described later.
is the result. This is the reason why they are constantly engaged in moving. Although the luminous deities revolve around Mount Meru, they still wander eleven hundred and twenty-one yojanas away from Mount Meru.
$ 468. Now, to give knowledge of the practical time in relation to the luminous bodies that move, the next sutra is said
The time division made by those moving luminous bodies is. ||14||
$ 469. The word 'tat' is used in the sutra to refer to the moving luminous deities. Time cannot be determined by motion alone, because it is not perceived, and time cannot be determined by luminous bodies alone without motion, because without change it will always remain the same. This is why the word 'tat' is used here to refer to the moving luminous bodies. Time is of two types: practical time and primary time. Of these, time and time-interval, etc., are the practical time divisions made by the moving luminous deities. This is known by a particular action and is the cause of knowing other things that are not known. Primary time is different, whose characteristics will be described later.
Special Note - Humans are found within the Manushottara mountain. The total extent from one side of the Manushottara mountain to the other is forty-five lakh yojanas. Humans are found in this area, therefore it is called the human world. In this world, the luminous bodies always revolve. Their revolution is around Meru. There is no luminous body sphere around Meru up to eleven hundred and twenty-one yojanas. Beyond this, it is scattered everywhere in the sky. There are two suns and two moons in Jambudvipa. One sun revolves around the entire Jambudvipa in two days and nights. Its four regions are considered to be 180 yojanas in Jambudvipa and 3300 yojanas in the salt ocean. The total number of lanes of the sun's revolution is 184. This area is divided into these lanes. A distance of two yojanas is considered between one lane and another. When the size of the sun's disc is added to this, it becomes 200 yojanas. This is the difference in sunrise. The difference in the sphere is only two yojanas. It takes a little more than two days and nights for the moon to complete its revolution. The difference in the moonrise comes from this. There are four suns, four moons in the salt ocean; twelve suns, twelve moons in the Dhatukikhanda; forty-two suns, forty-two moons in the Kalodadhi; and seventy-two suns, seventy-two moons in the Pushkarardha. Thus, there are one hundred and thirty-two suns and one hundred and thirty-two moons in the two and a half islands. Of these two, the moon, Indra and the sun are the Pratyindra. The family of each moon consists of one sun, twenty-eight constellations, eighty-eight planets and sixty-six thousand nine hundred kodi kodi stars. Although the movement of these luminous bodies is their nature, the eligible deities constantly carry the chariots of the sun, etc. These deities take the form of lions, elephants, bulls and horses. The lion-shaped deities...