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## Chapter Two
8270. If this is so, then let the characteristic be stated by which the difference is established. To this, it is said: **Usage is the characteristic.** || 8 ||
-219 § 273]
8271. Usage is a consequence that arises from both internal and external causes and is an attribute of consciousness. Thus, even though the soul is one in terms of bondage, it is recognized as distinct due to usage. Just as gold and silver are one in terms of bondage, but are different due to their color and other characteristics, so it should be understood in this case. $ 272 To demonstrate this difference, it is said:
**Usage is of two kinds, eight and four.** || 9 ||
8273. That usage is of two kinds: **knowledge-usage** and **perception-usage**. **Knowledge-usage** is of eight kinds: **mati-jnana**, **shruta-jnana**, **avadhi-jnana**, **manas-paryaya-jnana**, **kevala-jnana**, **mati-ajnana**, **shruta-ajnana**, **vibhang-jnana**. **Perception-usage** is of four kinds: **chakshu-darshan**, **achakshu-darshan**, **avadhi-darshan**, **kevala-darshan**. How is the difference between them?