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## Chapter One
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The state of *kshaya-upashama* (diminution and pacification) arises when the *desha-ghati* (destructive) *spardhakas* (competitors) arise due to the diminution and pacification of the *anantanu-bandhi* (infinitely connected) *kshayas* (passions). Here, the functioning of *jnana* (knowledge) etc. should be explained in terms of the diminution and pacification of their respective *avaranas* (coverings) and *antarayas* (obstacles). The term *samyak-tva* (rightness) refers to *vedaka* (knowing) *samyak-tva*.
*Samyak-tva* becomes *kshaya-upashama* when the four *anantanu-bandhi* *kshayas*, *mithyatva* (falsehood) and *samyag-mithyatva* (partially true falsehood), arise and diminish, and their pacification leads to the rise of the *desha-ghati* *spardhaka* *samyak-tva*.
*Charitra* (conduct) becomes *kshaya-upashama* when the twelve *kshayas* of the *anantanu-bandhi*, *apratyakhyana-avaran* (non-rejection covering) and *pratyakhyana-avaran* (rejection covering) arise and diminish, and their pacification leads to the rise of one of the four *sanjvalana* (burning) *kshayas* as a *desha-ghati* *spardhaka*, and the nine *no-kshayas* (non-passions) arise as much as possible, resulting in the cessation of the cycle of rebirth.
*Samyama-asamyama* (control and lack of control) becomes *kshaya-upashama* when the eight *kshayas* of the *anantanu-bandhi* and *apratyakhyana-avaran* arise and diminish, and their pacification leads to the rise of the *pratyakhyana-avaran* *kshaya* and one of the *sanjvalana* *kshayas* as a *desha-ghati* *spardhaka*, and the nine *no-kshayas* arise as much as possible, resulting in the cessation or non-cessation of the cycle of rebirth.
**Labdhis (Attainments)**
In the present time, the *kshaya-upashama* state arises when the *desha-ghati* *spardhakas* are diminishing, and their pacification is expected in the future, while the *desha-ghati* *spardhakas* continue to arise.
It should be understood that the aforementioned states arise due to the diminution and pacification of their respective *avaranas* and *antarayas*. The term *samyak-tva* in the sutra refers to *vedaka* *samyak-tva*.
The meaning is that when the four *anantanu-bandhi* *kshayas*, *mithyatva* and *samyag-mithyatva*, arise and diminish, and their pacification leads to the rise of the *desha-ghati* *spardhaka* *samyak-tva*, the resulting *tattva-artha-shraddha* (faith in the true meaning) is *kshaya-upashama* *samyak-tva*.
When the twelve *kshayas* of the *anantanu-bandhi*, *apratyakhyana-avaran* and *pratyakhyana-avaran* arise and diminish, and their pacification leads to the rise of one of the four *sanjvalana* *kshayas* as a *desha-ghati* *spardhaka*, and the nine *no-kshayas* arise as much as possible, the resulting cessation of the cycle of rebirth is *kshaya-upashama* *charitra*.
When the eight *kshayas* of the *anantanu-bandhi* and *apratyakhyana-avaran* arise and diminish, and their pacification leads to the rise of the *pratyakhyana-avaran* *kshaya* and one of the *sanjvalana* *kshayas* as a *desha-ghati* *spardhaka*, and the nine *no-kshayas* arise as much as possible, the resulting cessation or non-cessation of the cycle of rebirth is called *samyama-asamyama*.
**Special Meaning**
The *kshaya-upashama* state is characterized by the diminishing of the *sarva-ghati* (all-destructive) *spardhakas* in the present time, their pacification expected in the future, and the continued rise of the *desha-ghati* *spardhakas*.
It is certain that most *desha-ghati* *karmas* (actions) contain both *desha-ghati* and *sarva-ghati* *spardhakas*. Only the nine *no-kshayas* and *samyak* *prakriti* (right nature) are exceptions, containing only *desha-ghati* *spardhakas*. Therefore, *kshaya-upashama* is possible for all *desha-ghati* *karmas* except the nine *no-kshayas*, because *kshaya-upashama* requires both types of *karmas* as per the aforementioned characteristics.
*Samyak* *prakriti* acts as a catalyst in the creation of the *kshaya-upashama* state, arising from *mithyatva* and *samyag-mithyatva*. Therefore, there are a total of eighteen types of *kshaya-upashama* states. For example, there are four *desha-ghati* *prakritis* of *jnana-avaran* (knowledge covering), and their *kshaya-upashama* leads to the manifestation of four types of *jnana*. However, there are three types of *ajnana* (ignorance) due to *mithyatva* and four types of *jnana* due to *samyag-drishti* (right vision), resulting in a total of seven types of *kshaya-upashama* *jnana*. These seven types of *jnana* are included in the eighteen *kshaya-upashama* states.
It is clear that there are three types of *darshan* (perception) and five types of *labdhi* (attainment) in the *kshaya-upashama* state. The remaining three states are *vedaka* *samyak-tva*,