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[1133 § 250
Therefore, this topic is not elaborated upon here. The **Riju Sutra** **naya** grasps the object through the present **paryaya** by means of the **naya** itself, and the **Shabdadhika** **naya** grasps the object through the present **paryayamukha** by means of words. Therefore, the subject of these **nayas** cannot be duality. This is why, while explaining the subject of **Shabdanaya**, the **vachya** etc. of words ending in singular and dual forms etc. used together with adjectives, special qualities etc. have been declared as not its subject, and while explaining the subject of **Samabhirudha**, the use of multiple meanings of a single word or multiple words for a single meaning has been declared as not its subject, because the **vachya** of a word ending in singular form is different, and the **vachya** of a word ending in dual form is different. Therefore, **Shabdanaya** cannot grasp them in a single **vachya** form. Similarly, the meaning of the word "go" as "cow" is different, and the meaning as "speech" is different. Therefore, **Samabhirudha** **naya** cannot grasp these meanings through a single word. Similarly, the subject of all **nayas** should be understood. **Naya** is an option that touches the object through a part. Like **pramana** knowledge, it does not touch the entire object. Therefore, **Nirapeksha** **naya** is called **mithya** and **Sapeksha** **naya** is called **samyak**. A detailed explanation of this topic and the consideration of the increasing subtlety of all **nayas** has been done in the original text. Thus, it is certain that there are seven **nayas** and they are divided into two parts: **dravyaarthic** and **paryayaarthic**.
Thus ends the first chapter of the **Sarvarthasiddhi** commentary on **Tattvartha**.