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## Chapter 1
**-118 $ 130]**
**Time difference between a single being and multiple beings:**
* **For the restrained and unrestrained:** The minimum time difference is one moment, and the maximum is fourteen days and nights. For a single being, the minimum and maximum difference is an antarmuhurta.
* **For the restrained and unrestrained:** The minimum time difference is one moment, and the maximum is fifteen days and nights. For a single being, the minimum and maximum difference is an antarmuhurta.
* **For the three types of upashamaka:** The minimum time difference is one moment, and the maximum is a year. For a single being, the minimum and maximum difference is an antarmuhurta.
* **For the upashanta kshaya:** The time difference is the same as for multiple beings. For a single being, there is no difference.
* **For the sasadan samyagdristi and samyagmithyadristi:** The minimum time difference is one moment, and the maximum is an uncountable fraction of a palya. For a single being, there is no difference.
* **For the mithyadristi:** There is no difference between a single being and multiple beings.
**Time difference based on knowledge:**
* **For the mithyadristi:** The time difference is the same as for multiple beings.
* **For the sasadan samyagdristi and samyagmithyadristi:** The time difference is the same as for multiple beings. For a single being, the minimum difference is an uncountable fraction of a palya, and the maximum is an antarmuhurta. The maximum difference is a hundred times the size of an ocean.
* **For the unrestrained samyagdristi to the unrestrained restrained:** There is no difference between a single being and multiple beings. For a single being, the minimum difference is an antarmuhurta, and the maximum is a hundred times the size of an ocean.
* **For the four types of upashamaka:** The time difference is the same as for multiple beings. For a single being, the minimum difference is an antarmuhurta, and the maximum is a hundred times the size of an ocean.
* **For the four types of kshapaka:** The time difference is the same as for multiple beings.
* **For the asanjna:** There is no difference between a single being and multiple beings.
* **For those without any of the above classifications:** The time difference is the same as for multiple beings.
The time difference between a single being and multiple beings is significant. This is because the restrained and unrestrained have a different experience of time than those who are not restrained. The time difference is also affected by the type of knowledge that a being has. For example, the mithyadristi has a different experience of time than the samyagdristi.
**Note:** The terms "antarmuhurta" and "palya" are units of time in Jainism.