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## **Translation of the Jain Text:**
**441 Sarvarthasiddhi**
**[118898]** In relation to all beings, time is infinite. For a single being, the shortest time is an antarmūhurta (a fraction of a muhūrta, which is 48 minutes). The longest time is infinite, measured by countless pudgala transformations. This is the same for all beings from those with sā-sādana samyagdṛṣṭi (right faith with attachment) to those with anivṛtti-bādar (complete cessation of karma).
**[899]** For those with asamyata samyagdṛṣṭi (right faith without restraint), time is infinite in relation to all beings. For a single being, the shortest time is an antarmūhurta. The longest time is less than thirty sāgara (oceans). This is the same for all beings without vedas (scriptural knowledge).
**[899]** In relation to the four kṣayās (passions) through kṣayā-anuvāda (the process of diminishing passions), the time for those with mithyādṛṣṭi (false faith) to those with apramātta-samyata (perfect restraint) is the same as for those with manoyoga (mental concentration). The time for the two upaśamaka (passions that cause suffering), the two kṣapaka (passions that cause destruction), those with only lobha (greed), and those without kṣayās is the same.
**[8100]** In relation to knowledge through jñāna-anuvāda (the process of gaining knowledge), the time for those with matyajñāna (knowledge of death) and śrutājñāna (knowledge from scriptures) is the same as for those with mithyādṛṣṭi and sā-sādana samyagdṛṣṭi. For those with vibhaṅga-jñāna (knowledge of the destruction of karma), time is infinite in relation to all beings. For a single being, the shortest time is an antarmūhurta. The longest time is less than thirty sāgara. The time for those with sā-sādana samyagdṛṣṭi is the same. The time for those with ābhinibodika-jñāna (knowledge of the subtle), śruta-avadhi-jñāna (knowledge of the past), manaḥ-paryaya-jñāna (knowledge of the mind), and kevala-jñāna (omniscience) is the same.
**[101]** In relation to restraint through samyamā-anuvāda (the process of gaining restraint), the time for those with sāmayika-samyata (restraint through daily meditation), chheda-upasthāpana-samyata (restraint through the destruction of karma), pariharā-viśuddhi-samyata (restraint through purification), sūṣma-sāmprāya-samyata (restraint through subtle practice), yathākhyāta-viśuddhi-samyata (restraint through perfect purity), samyata-samyata (restraint through restraint), and the four asamyata (unrestrained) is the same.
**[102]** In relation to perception through darśana-anuvāda (the process of gaining perception), the time for those with cakṣu-darśana (visual perception) and mithyādṛṣṭi is infinite in relation to all beings. For a single being, the shortest time is an antarmūhurta. The longest time is two thousand sāgara. The time for those with sā-sādana samyagdṛṣṭi and others with kṣīṇa-kṣayā (diminished passions) is the same.
**[102]** For those with napuṃsaka-veda (knowledge of the neuter gender), the time for mithyādṛṣṭi is infinite in relation to all beings. For a single being, the shortest time is an antarmūhurta. The longest time is infinite, measured by countless pudgala transformations. This is the same for all beings from those with sā-sādana samyagdṛṣṭi to those with anivṛtti-bādar. However, for those with asamyata samyagdṛṣṭi, time is infinite in relation to all beings. For a single being, the shortest time is an antarmūhurta. The longest time is less than thirty sāgara. This is the same for all beings without vedas.
**[899]** In relation to the four kṣayās through kṣayā-anuvāda, the time for those with mithyādṛṣṭi to those with apramātta-samyata is the same as for those with manoyoga. The time for the two upaśamaka, the two kṣapaka, those with only lobha, and those without kṣayās is the same.
**[100]** In relation to knowledge through jñāna-anuvāda, the time for those with matyajñāna and śrutājñāna is the same as for those with mithyādṛṣṭi and sā-sādana samyagdṛṣṭi. For those with vibhaṅga-jñāna, time is infinite in relation to all beings. For a single being, the shortest time is an antarmūhurta. The longest time is less than thirty sāgara. The time for those with sā-sādana samyagdṛṣṭi is the same. The time for those with ābhinibodika-jñāna, śruta-avadhi-jñāna, manaḥ-paryaya-jñāna, and kevala-jñāna is the same.
**[101]** In relation to restraint through samyamā-anuvāda, the time for those with sāmayika-samyata, chheda-upasthāpana-samyata, pariharā-viśuddhi-samyata, sūṣma-sāmprāya-samyata, yathākhyāta-viśuddhi-samyata, samyata-samyata, and the four asamyata is the same.
**[102]** In relation to perception through darśana-anuvāda, the time for those with cakṣu-darśana and mithyādṛṣṭi is infinite in relation to all beings. For a single being, the shortest time is an antarmūhurta. The longest time is two thousand sāgara. The time for those with sā-sādana samyagdṛṣṭi and others with kṣīṇa-kṣayā is the same.
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