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## Chapter 1: On the Cessation of Karma
**There are three types of knowledge: क्षायिक (destructive), क्षायोपशमिक (partially destructive), and सम्यग्दर्शन (right knowledge).**
* **For beings in the realm of hell (नारक), both क्षायिक and क्षायोपशमिक knowledge exist for those who are पर्याप्तक (worthy) and अपर्याप्तक (unworthy).**
* **For beings in the realm of animals (तिर्यंच), क्षायिक knowledge does not exist. Only क्षायोपशमिक and सम्यग्दर्शन exist for पर्याप्तक beings, not for अपर्याप्तक beings.**
* **For beings in the human realm (मनुष्य), both क्षायिक and क्षायोपशमिक knowledge exist for both पर्याप्तक and अपर्याप्तक beings. Only सम्यग्दर्शन exists for पर्याप्तक beings, not for अपर्याप्तक beings.**
* **For beings in the realm of gods (देव), all three types of knowledge exist for both पर्याप्तक and अपर्याप्तक beings.**
* **How can अपर्याप्तक gods have सम्यग्दर्शन?** It is because they have attained the state of godhood after having experienced the cessation of the four karmic bonds (चारित्रमोहनीय) in their previous human life.
* **For beings in the realms of भवनवासी, व्यन्तर, and ज्योतिषी gods, as well as for the goddesses in these realms and those born in the realms of सौधर्म and ऐशान, क्षायिक knowledge does not exist. Only क्षायोपशमिक and सम्यग्दर्शन exist, and these are only for पर्याप्तक beings.**
**Knowledge is attained through different paths:**
* **Through the path of the senses (इन्द्रियानुवादेन), all three types of knowledge are attained by beings with five senses (पंचेन्द्रिय).**
* **Through the path of the body (कायानुवादेन), all three types of knowledge are attained by beings with three bodies (त्रसकायिक).**
* **Through the path of yoga (योगानुवादेन), all three types of knowledge are attained by beings who practice yoga (त्रयाणां योगानां). For beings who do not practice yoga (अयोगिनां), only क्षायिक knowledge exists.**
* **Through the path of the Vedas (वेदानुवादेन), all three types of knowledge are attained by beings who have knowledge of the Vedas (त्रिवेदानां). For beings who have lost their knowledge of the Vedas (अपगतवेदानां), only क्षायोपशमिक and क्षायिक knowledge exist.**
* **Through the path of the passions (कषायानुवादेन), all three types of knowledge are attained by beings who have four passions (चतुष्कषायाणां). For beings who are free from passions (अकषायाणां), only क्षायोपशमिक and क्षायिक knowledge exist.**
**In the realm of hell (नारक), पर्याप्तक beings have both क्षायोपशमिक and सम्यग्दर्शन. In the first earth (पहली पथिवी), both पर्याप्तक and अपर्याप्तक beings have both क्षायिक and क्षायोपशमिक knowledge.**
**In the realm of animals (तिर्यंच), पर्याप्तक beings have सम्यग्दर्शन. Both पर्याप्तक and अपर्याप्तक beings have both क्षायिक and क्षायोपशमिक knowledge. Animals (तिर्यंचनी) do not have क्षायिक knowledge. Only पर्याप्तक animals have क्षायोपशमिक and सम्यग्दर्शन, not अपर्याप्तक animals.**
**In the human realm (मनुष्य), both पर्याप्तक and अपर्याप्तक beings have both क्षायिक and क्षायोपशमिक knowledge. Only पर्याप्तक humans have सम्यग्दर्शन, not अपर्याप्तक humans. All three types of knowledge exist for पर्याप्तक humans, but not for अपर्याप्तक humans.**
**In the realm of gods (देव), both पर्याप्तक and अपर्याप्तक beings have all three types of knowledge.**
**It is important to note that the human realm (मनुष्य) is the realm where the process of destroying karma (क्षपणाप्रारम्भको) begins. This is why animals (तिर्यक्ष) who are bound by their lifespan (बद्धायुष्को) can only be reborn as humans (पुरुषेष्वेवोत्पद्यते) and not as female animals (तिर्यस्त्रीष). This is because female animals (द्रव्यदेवस्त्रीणां) cannot have क्षायिक knowledge.**
**Therefore, it is understood that अपर्याप्तक animals (तिर्यंचामप्यपर्याप्तकानां) have क्षायोपशमिक knowledge, but not पर्याप्तक animals.**
**The क्षायिक knowledge is attained through the knowledge of the soul (भाववेदेन).**
**The realm of gods (देव) is generally considered to be a realm of liberation (देवा-मु).**
**However, there are specific exceptions, such as the realms of भवनवासी, व्यन्तर, and ज्योतिषी gods (भवन-म).**