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## Sarvarthasiddhi
## Second Edition
## Page-50 214-24
## Page-50 219-32
## 246-18
## 240-20 241-26
## 247-26 258-34
## 252-25
Pasatarupa Kavaayarahit. Kashay, meaning anger etc. Kashay, due to the passion of raga, the cause of being prone to pramaadika, the body of the upaya, even then, is called yogavrata and is svagat, and the visavadan is pargat. These are eight types of karma-prakritis, which are worthy of karma-skandha. Mantyam. Antyam Shuklam. Tatsami. It is unpleasant. Visha Samadhan - the purity of the results, by increase - the nature of avitayam, the special form of vibhuti.
## 259-30
## 253-22 307-20
-Mantyam. Tatsami Visha Samadhan - the increase of
## 341-11 342-21 356-27
## 315-35 351-11 352-19
## 367-27 368-23
- the nature of the form of Kerala.
## 357-25
## 2. Appendix-2
## Page 390 Number 17.1 - Under this, 'Tirashchinaam Kshayikam Nasti', the statement after this is not from Sarvarthasiddhi. This is clear from the fact that whoever is a Krityakrityavedak Samyagdristi or a Kshayik Samyagdristi, born in the four gatis, is born in the three gatis except the first hell. He is not born in the Napumsakavedis after death, nor in the Strivedis. If the original statement 'Tirashchinaam Kshayikam Nasti' was not there, there would have been no objection. But since this statement is present in all the handwritten manuscripts, we have kept it as it is in the original. Due to the presence of this sentence, the question arises in humans, in comparison to Bhavanatar, that there should have been a statement in the original that a Krityakrityavedak Samyagdristi and a Kshayik Samyagdristi are not born in the Manusyanis after death. But any Samyagdristi, after death, is born in the Purushavedis without exception, except the first hell, not in any other. This statement itself confirms the said statement.
## Page 395 Line 29, there is a missing 'ninety-nine thousand' after 'ninety-nine lakh', and the number of Sarvasanyatas given here is 299 in each Gunasthan of the four Gunasthanas of the Upshama category, and according to the Dakshina Pratipatti, 598 in each Gunasthan of the Kshapaka and the Ayogikaveli. Therefore, the total number of all the Sanayatas is 89999997. Therefore, the sum of the entire number from the Pramattasanyata is 89999997. As follows:
## Pramattasanyata 59398206 + 1 Apramattasanyata 29699103 + four Upshamaka 1196 + four Kshapaka 2392 + Sayogakevali 898502 + Ayogikaveli 598 = 89999997.
## It should be known here that the statement "Yadichait Ekasmim Samaye Sambhavanti" on page 395, line 19, is not meant to be the number of Sanayatas at any one time, but this number is said with a special intention. Because, neither is it possible for the number of their respective Gunasthanas to be obtained at the same time in each of the four Gunasthanas of the Upshamanika, nor is it possible for the number of their respective Gunasthanas to be obtained at the same time in each of the four Gunasthanas of the Kshapakshrenika. Yes, it is definitely possible for the number of their respective Gunasthanas to be obtained in each Gunasthan of the Upshamani and Kshapakani, respectively, at different times. Because, the beings who ascend to the eighth Gunasthan of these categories in eight times, they reach the ninth Gunasthan after a moment.