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## 92]
**Description of the Anuyogas in the four Gatis, in relation to the six Gati-mārganās, which are the means of attaining knowledge of the Tattvas.**
**16** **Number Description**
**Indriya-mārganā** in relation to the number of Jivas. **26** **Form**
**16** **Kāya-mārganā** in relation to the description of Samyak-darshan through the Anuyoga-dvār. **16** **Yoga-mārganā** in relation to the general description of the ownership of Samyak-darshan. **16** **Veda-mārganā** in relation to the specific description of the ownership of Samyak-darshan. **16** **Kṣaya-mārganā** in relation to the description of the Anuyoga-dvār, through the translation of Gati-mārganā, in relation to the knowledge of Jñāna-mārganā. **16** **Samyama-mārganā** in relation to the description of the ownership of Samyak-darshan through Indriya-mārganā. **17** **Darśana-mārganā** in relation to the description of the ownership of Samyak-darshan. **17** **Leśyā-mārganā** in relation to the description of the number of Jivas. **18** **Kāya-ādi-śeṣa-mārganās** in relation to the description of the ownership of Samyak-darshan. **18** **Bhavya-mārganā** in relation to the description of the ownership of Samyak-darshan. **19** **Samyak-tva-mārganā** in relation to the description of the internal and external means of Samyak-darshan. **19** **Sañjñi-mārganā** in relation to the description of the internal and external means of Samyak-darshan. **20** **Āhāra-mārganā** in relation to the description of the internal and external means of Samyak-darshan.
**3. Kṣetra-prūpaṇā 29-32** General description of the field of Jivas, in relation to the description of the various types of Samyak-darshan, including Aupaśamika.
**20** **Gati-mārganā** in relation to the description of the field of Jivas. **30** **Vidhāna-anuyoga** in relation to the description of the various types of Samyak-darshan. **30** **Indriya-mārganā** in relation to the description of the various types of Samyak-darshan.
**21** **Kāya-mārganā** in relation to the description of the eight Anuyogas, which are the means of attaining knowledge of the Tattvas, including Sat, Saṅkhyā, etc. **21** **Yoga-mārganā** in relation to the description of the eight Anuyogas, including Sat, Saṅkhyā, etc. **21** **Veda-mārganā** in relation to the description of the eight Anuyogas, including Sat, Saṅkhyā, etc. **21** **Jñāna-mārganā** in relation to the description of the eight Anuyogas, including Sat, Saṅkhyā, etc., through the description of their form, ownership, etc.
**22** **Samyama-mārganā** in relation to the description of the Anuyoga-dvār, including Sat. **22** **Darśana-mārganā** in relation to the description of the Anuyoga-dvār, including Sat. **22** **Leśyā-mārganā** in relation to the description of the Jiva-tattva. **22** **Bhavya-mārganā** in relation to the description of the Jiva-tattva. **22** **Samyak-tva-mārganā** in relation to the description of the fourteen Mārganās, which are the means of attaining specific knowledge of the Jiva-tattva. **22** **Sañjñi-mārganā** in relation to the description of the fourteen Mārganās. **22** **Āhāra-mārganā** in relation to the description of the Jiva-tattva, through the general and specific types of Sat-prūpaṇā.
**32** **Description of the fourteen Mārganās.**
**32** **Description of the general and specific types of Sat-prūpaṇā.**
**32** **Description of the Jiva-tattva.**
**22** **Explanation of Kṣetra-prūpaṇā through specific meanings.**
**32** **Description of the possible Guṇa-sthānas in the fourteen Mārganās.**
**4. Sparśana-prūpaṇā 33-39** Description of the touch of Jivas in relation to the Guṇa-sthānas.
**23** **Guṇa-sthāna** in relation to the description of the touch of Jivas. **33** **2. Saṅkhyā-prūpaṇā 24-29** Description of the number of Jivas in relation to the fourteen Guṇa-sthānas.
**24** **Gati-mārganā** in relation to the description of the number of Jivas. **24** **Indriya-mārganā** in relation to the description of the number of Jivas. **24** **Kāya-mārganā** in relation to the description of the number of Jivas.