१५० मार्कण्डेयविरचितं
[१७. ८ --- १७. ८. इह च्छन्दोनुरोधेन वर्णानां गुरुलाघवम् । यथा----
'अररे वाहइ काण्हें नाव छोडि डगमग कुगति ण देहि । तुहुं ऐहुँ णइ संतार देइ जं चाहसि तं लेहि ॥ [ = अररे वाहायित्वा कृष्ण नावं क्षुद्रां चलितां कुगति न देहि । त्वममुं नदी (अमुष्यां नद्यां) संतारं दत्त्वा यदिच्छसि तद् नय ॥
PPL. I. 9.] १७. ९. दीर्घताहस्वतासुब्लुक्सुप्तिलिङ्गविपर्ययाः ॥१९७॥ बहुलमित्येव । प्रकृतेर्दीर्घता ह्रस्वता च सुपो लुक् सुतिडोर्लिङ्गस्य च विपर्यय इत्येते स्युः । तरुणि, तरुणी । अग्गि, अग्गी । वाउ, वाऊ । - 'सासरेहेती माहलदु परिहकाला पंगुरणु मक्खसि तणु कण्हागुरु [ = शशि
14 G लघुत्व. 15. U काल्ह ; काल्या ; TO काल्यु. 16 UIO गडगकुपति . ; मउगकुपति .
17 B तुहुँ एहुं; UIO तुहं एहुँ; G तुहं एदु. I have preferred the reading of UIO as it is grammatically correct. The reading of G,
y correct. The reading of G, though. corrupt, supports the reading of UIO.
N. B.:- I take ang and as as the two absolutives corresponding to Skt. aparat and I respectively. The modern edition of Prakrtapingala, however, reads बाहि in place of वाहइ, the former corresponding to Skt. वाहय (see PPL, p. 11).
18 Mss. पहमि ; the root चाह = to wish, is in use in modern Oriya. 19 UG om.
20 Mss, lack these two words; B supplies them in a bracket.
21 This passage is a controversial one: B puts '(?)' after the. quotation. It seems Mk, has not explained all the Apabhramsa peculiarities embodied in this quotation. He has touched upon only three words, i. e. परिह, काला, and तणु as his comm. shows. But the passage, as it appears, is full of Apabhramsa peculiarities as enumerated in Sū. 9 above. Assuming this I have emended the text as above. Variants: B ससि रेहत्ती. G ससिरे-हत्ती; UIO ससिरहंती; B कण्हागुरु; U कण्वागुरु; G कन्यागुरु ; I कण्दागुरु; ० कण्त्वागुरु ; all others almost same. The passage perhaps means, “The lady shining as the moon is anointing ale paste in her body while wearing the upper garment'. I have emended रेहत्ती to रेहन्ती in respect of whicb UIO are unanimous. (cf. रेहन्त. PSM. 717).
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