iva (i.e. as particles of comparison). In jaḍāso taḍāso (under 5, 113) for jaiso taiso also i is similarly misread as ḍā.
Under 5, 13 kimpa seems to stand for kimva.
5. 14 treats diminutive suffixes. Compare SH. 8, 4, 429 and ff.
In gähuli -ula- is the diminutive suffix. Compare gāhulī (Deśīnămamālā 2, 89) derived from gāha-(Sk.grāha-) and sāhuli (SH. 4, 2. 174) derived from sahā (Sk. sākhā.).
Besides the diminutive sense, these suffixes have other shades also, e.g. grief or depression (kheda-). This is illustrated by hiaḍā (derived from hiaa- with the diminutive suffix -da-) in hiaḍā phuṭṭi (cf. SH. 8, 4, 357(3): hiaḍa phuṭṭi tada-tti kari etc., where hiaḍā means 'O poor heart'). Under 5, 22 and 5, 30 it is said that vai means vāri 'water'. This is very much suspect. Such a word is quite unknown. The expected forms are vāriem, vārim etc.
Under 5, 40, aim quite obviously stands for maim. Compare SH. 1, 4, 377.
Under 5, 41 lahatum and lahevvatum seem to stand for lahaum and lahevvaum respectively.
Under 5, 48 tūņa is given as an abstract noun forming suffix. This should be obviously ttana (Compare SH. 8, 4, 437. The commentary gives a form with the suffix - ttana as an option for one with the suffix -ppana).
Under 5 67 we read śeşo nagare vāsakādau. Here the last word should read rasakādau (Nitti-Dolci reads so: see Prakrit Grammarians, p. 150). As the metres like Doha were characteristic of the compositions in the Vracaḍa variety of Apabhramsa, so the metres like Rasaka were characteristic of Nagara Apabhramsa.2
2 Ratnaśrījñāna in his commentary on Dandin's Kavyalak şana, 1, 37 has mentioned Rasaka as one of the characteristic literary forms or metres of Apabhramsa. See Thakur and Jha, Kavyalak ṣaṇa, 1957, p. 25.
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