Such instances need not be multiplied. In this way, if the whole text is reproduced, identical readings (excepting a few variants) will be noticed. Furthermore, Lassen and Delius have sometimes presented us better types of readings which have been incorporatedin the text, where the manuscripts are not clear. It will also be seen (vide emendation $ 26) that the readings of Lassen and Delius have helped us much in determining the correct readings of the text in some doubtful and obscure cases. Below are given the references to those portions of Candideva's Prākrtadāpikā which have been given by both L and D.
No. of sūtras Chapters
No. of aced, to the
Text of L&D Remarks
sūtras printed edn.
and Msg. I. Svarakāryam.
PP. 16-17. For Only & few abthe introduc- stracts from the tory verses of Ms of Candideva Candideva. are given, but PP. (4 0-4 1) these are the same (APP.) of Las- as in the Mas and gen.
P. II. (Hal-kāryam) 153
PP. 41-48 The excess in L chapter-mark
(APP. of is due to split-up not given by
Lassen). of one būtra of ABOC, SS, P and
the Mes and P LD.
into two.
III. (Subantakāryam).
IV. (Tinantakāryam).
Sū. 22-25 Sū. 29-30
Sū. 46-83 (Dhatvādeśa)
No text of this portion has been given by L. P. 354 of L The entire dhätPP. 356-57 L vādesa is given PP. 10-12 Prā. by Delius. krta m gåtbā. dau etc.) of Delius,
V. Apabhramśā- rambhah.
For nipāta. cf. PP. 369-70
of Lassen. A pabbramsa : PP. 449-83 (L The last sutra Sū. 1-70
(No. 117) is not S'auraseni : PP.50 51(APP) given by Lassen. Sū. 71-85 of L. PP, 893 Magadhi : of L. Sū. 86-99 Paisacī : PP. 440-41 of Sū. 102-16. L.
V. (contd.) Oolo
iti vādindra iti vādindra Same as in phon: (after
etc. (vide etc. vide the ABCO, SP. metres & rheto
critical appa- description ric portions).
ratus M88. of Lassen A BOC,). before. (cf, p.
15 of Lassen). There can thus be no doubt from the examples quoted above that the textual readings of all the manuscripts and those of L and Dare identical,
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