Pracriticae, Bonnae Ad Rhenum, 1839. He too had edited this text from the same Bengali manuscript from Paris, consulted and collated by Lassen. That is why Delius's treatise is regarded as a supplement to Lassen's work. We are, therefore, fortunate enough to consult the Dhatvadesa portion of Candideva's commentary with the help of Delius's Radices.
§ 14. P This means the text of the eighth pāda (i.e., Prakṛtapada) only, in Devanagari character, published by Banerjee and Mukherjee & Co., No. 62, Amherst Street, Calcutta, 1886, and printed by Pitambara Vandyopadhyaya at the Anglo-Sanskrit Press No. 2 Nababdi Ostagar's Lane (Sanskrit Press Depository). On the cover page it is written :
महाराजाधिराज - जुमरनन्दि-परिशोधितायां रसवत्यां वृत्तौ श्रोनीलमाधवन्यायालङ्कार - श्रीक्षेत्रनाथकाव्यतीर्थेन सम्पादितः ॥
This is the only text that has been printed so far in Devanagari character. It is needless to say that this printed edition (P) can hardly be called a critical edition, as the editor has not given us sufficient indications of the manuscripts utilised by him. As a sequel to this, no variant readings have been given by the editor. The readings as given there are not always correct, nor are they warranted by the available manuscripts. It has been printed carelessly, and not even proper care has been given in the matter of spelling the Prakrit words. The reading of the text does not always correspond to that of the vṛtti (commentary) thereon.
§ 15. P1This is the text edited by Benīmādhava Chakrabarty in Bengali script, with the vṛtti of Jumaranandī and the commentary of Goyicandra, and published by the author himself, Calcutta,
1899 A.D. (1307 B. S.).
§ 16. P-This text is edited by Syamacarana Kaviratna with the vṛtti and commentary of Jumaranandi and Goyicandra respectively and published by Gurudasa Chattopadhyaya, Calcutta, 1910 A.D. (=1318 B.S.). The script of the text is Bengali.
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§ 17. P. This is the text lately edited by Gurunatha Vidyanidhi, with the vṛtti of Jumaranandi and the commentary of Goyican
1) Vide pp. 10-12. 2) Vide p. 10 (fn. 1)
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